01. Cessnock Fire Station

Our first stop is Cessnock Fire Station. Formed in 1906 by two former members of Newcastle District brigade, the first few years of Cessnock brigade were spent in a fire house of deplorable conditions. Finally, after threats of mass resignation, a new firehouse was leased in 1911. At this time all fire brigade members worked in Aberdare Colliery and received 12 shillings per shift. Unfortunately, while they were fighting bushfires for the good of the community, they only received 6 shillings per shift.

Finally in 1915, Cessnock Shire's population was approching 15,000 and it was decided a new firehouse with permanent fire fighters was required. The current two story building, with a residence and quarters was built and officially opened in 1916. A political battle immediately started between Cessnock and Maitland over equipment and funding. The outcome of this was the installation of a motor fire engine in September 1918.

picture of the firehouse taken around 1920

02. Masonic Temple