Timaeus讀書會(30 May 2014)

Post date: May 23, 2014 1:22:16 PM

The date of the next meeting of Timaeus reading group will be on 30 May 2014, Friday morning, from 10.00 to 12.00.

This time, we are very glad that Prof. Richard Stalley will come to give a talk on Plato's Timaeus. Prof. Stalley is the author of An Introduction to Plato's Laws. Also notably, he edited Aristotle's Politics for Oxford World's Classics. The title of his talk is 'Cosmology and Moral philosophy.'

We will meet at Room D810 which is just opposite to the office of Philosophy Department, Soochow University (東吳大學外雙溪校區, 第二教研大樓8樓).

Prof. Stalley will also give talks at Taida and Chinese Culture University, and will participate in the 4th Logos and Arete Conference. For information, please see the other announcement -- Prof. Stalley希臘哲學演講(26~31 May 2014).

Anyone who feels interested, please come. Everyone is welcome.