Timaeus讀書會(27 June 2013)

Post date: Jul 1, 2013 9:23:01 AM

The next meeting of our reading group on Timaeus will be on 27th June,

Thursday morning, at the Philosophy Department of Soochow University (東吳大學

外雙溪校區, 第二教研大樓8樓, the same room as before), from 10.00 to 12.00.

Now we have arrived at Timaeus 37c, where the Soul has been woven into the

universe, shown by the movements of the heavenly bodies. Then, Plato will

continue to explain how the universe as a copy of perfect eternal model would

be like, and will introduce the concept of Time.

We will continue to read Plato's Timaeus from 37c, and probably will go over

about five Stephanus pages.