希臘文讀書會Greek reading group



1.修昔底德《戰爭史》卷III 讀書會

台大哲學鄭義愷老師與學生的讀書會,讀修昔底德卷三 Kleon-Diodotus 的論辯,目前快把 Kleon 的演說讀完了。進行方式是一人讀一句翻一句,然後一起討論。目前連鄭老師是六人加一個旁聽。學期快結束了,讀書會也將告一段落,但後續很可能在學期結束後繼續讀。時間:每週六 10.00-12.00 聚會。



2.希臘文教材 Athenaze

清華哲研陳斐婷老師及一位同學,加上中正歷史黃俊龍老師的讀書會,5/27預計開始讀 Athenaze Ch.25

Herodotus紀錄Solon與Croesus討論何謂幸福(adapted texts)。目前定的時間是:週五晚間8.30線上進行。



原本由馬凱之、王志輝、謝林德等人開始的「中希倫理學小組」逐漸發展成為持續研讀希臘文本的讀書會。「中希倫理學小組」曾於2009年7月4日,在錢穆故居舉行第一屆「德性與倫理:從古希臘與中國哲學的觀點看」工作坊 ;2011年5月20日再度在錢穆故居舉行第二屆工作坊。多年來,希臘文本的讀書會,一直持續進行。我們讀的不多,但逐字閱讀。曾經參與的成員有馬凱之(政大哲學)、謝林德(北京人大哲學院)、蘇富芝(淡江通識)、黃俊龍(中正歷史)、甘海寧(政大哲學博士、現職香港理工大學通識中心)、潘佑達(柏林自由大學博士生)等等;目前常在成員有王志輝(東吳哲學)、鄭依書(東吳哲學碩士)、蔡佳慧(台大歷史學士、赴英進修埃及學) 何畫瑰文化哲學)等等。

我們的國際訪客有曾參與中希倫理學工作坊規劃與研討的金瑞(瑞士伯恩大學),另外還有金山彌平(日本名古屋大學)、高木酉子(日本朝日大學)、史達立(英國格拉斯歌大學)、Lars Leteen(德國希德斯海姆大學)。

小組自2010年三月起研讀亞里斯多得De Anima;2012年10月起研讀柏拉圖Timaeus;2016年12月開始研讀柏拉圖Sophist,至2018年秋冬為止。

Years ago, Kay Marchal, Zhi-hue Wang and Dennis Schilling started the Group of Chinese & Greek Ethics. Hua-kuei joined the group in 2009. We held the Workshop "Virtue and Ethics in Ancient Greece and China" on 4 July 2009 for the first time. As the group is gradually formed, we held the Workshop again, on 20 May 2011. Now it has turned to be a reading group which mainly read Greek philosophy texts.

The main members who had regularly come to the group were Kay Marchal (philosophy, Chengchi university), Dennis Schilling (philosophy, Renmin university, Beijing), Fu-chih Su (liberal education, Tamkang university), Chun-liong Ng (Long Huang) (history, Chung-cheng university), Rina Camus (General Education Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University), You-da Pan (phD student, FU Berlin) etc. The members who have been regularly coming in the recent years are Zhi-hue Wang (philosophy, Soochow university), Susan Yi-shu Cheng (MA in philosophy, Soochow University), Cassandra Chia-hue Tsai (BA, history, Taiwan University), Hua-kuei Ho (philosophy, Chinese Culture university) and so on.

The international guests include Richard King (Bern university, Switzerland), Yahei Kanayama (Nagoya university, Japan), Yuko Takagi (Asashi university, Japan), Richard F. Stalley (Glasgow university, UK), and Lars Leteen (Philosophie, Universität Hildesheim, Deutschland).

Then we ran reading meeting on Plato's Sophist roughly once a month during 2016-2018.

因體況不佳,需大幅調整飲食與生活步調,自 1 Dec 2018的聚會起,畫瑰會有相當一段時間無法參與讀書會。有興趣的朋友請聯繫其他常在成員。

Due to the health problem, Hua-kuei needs to largely reduce activities and seriously control the food she would take now. This means Hua-kuei will not participate nor organize the meetings for the reading group from 1 Dec 2018. If you feel interested in our reading group, please turn to contact with other regular members. Sorry and Thank you.

Sophist讀書會(1 Dec 2018) | posted on Nov 26, 2018

Sophist讀書會(27 Oct 2018) | posted on Oct 23, 2018

Sophist讀書會(29 Sep 2018) | posted on Sep 11, 2018


meetings and activities of our reading group

summer 2009 ~ summer 2018