
Post date: Jun 27, 2014 3:30:27 PM

The date of the next meeting of our Timaeus reading group will be on 25 June 2014, WEDNESDAY morning, at the library of Philosophy Department, Soochow University (東吳大學外雙溪校區, 第二教研大樓8樓), from 10.00 to 12.00.

Last time at our meeting in May, we were very glad to hear Prof. R. F. Stalley reading his unpublished paper on Timaeus. He provided an original reading of Timaeus within the frame of Plato's political and moral philosophy.

This time we are back to the text. We stopped at 50a. So now we are going to read from 50a where we're going to face the copies (mimemata) and its relations to being, material and forms, the visible and the invisible etc..

Usually, every time, we would not go beyond than five Stephanus pages.

Anyone who feels interested, please come. Greek is a delight but not necessary if you are worrying about it. Everyone is welcome.