Timaeus讀書會(21 Dec 2012)

Post date: Nov 26, 2012 7:21:32 AM


接續上次對亞特蘭提斯故事的多層轉述的討論,以及有關「亞特蘭提斯」地理位置等描述;接下來我們從Plato's Timaeus 25a繼續讀下去。(一次大概可以有5 Stephanus pages的進度吧!所以下次或許可以進展到Timaeus有關「宇宙仿效某事物」的說法。)

範圍:Timaeus 25d-29d



Last time, we read 20d-25a. The several handed indirect "logos" about Atlantis caused some interesting discussions. Besides, we've also discussed the arguable distinction between muthos and logos.

The next meeting of our reading group on Timaeus will be on 21st December, Friday morning, at the Philosophy Department of Soochow University (外雙溪校區, 第二教研大樓8樓, the same room as before), from 10.00 to 12.00.

We will continue to read Plato's Timaeus 25a-29d where Timaeus will tell Socrates that "Cosmos is a copy of something".

All are welcome.