Autorul, absolvent al Liceului ANDREI ŞAGUNA din Braşov, (1971) se clasează pe primele locuri la concursul naţional al Gazetei Matematice (1970,1971)  şi este premiat la faza naţională a Olimpiadei de fizică (1969,1971). Absolvent al Universităţii TRANSILVANIA din Braşov, Facultatea de Mecanică (1976) şi al Universităţii din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Matematică (1982),  susţine teza de doctorat în domeniul elementelor finite (1988), conducător ştiinţific Florea Dudiţă. Ocupă, pe rând, la Universitatea TRANSILVANIA din Braşov posturile de asistent (1980), şef lucrări(1984), conferenţiar (1991), profesor(1996). Specializări în Ungaria - cursuri CISM (1990), la Universität Gesamnthochschule Wuppertal (1992), Technische Universität München (1993), Technische Universität Stuttgart (1994, 2000), Universitatea Tehnică din Atena (1994), Technische Universität Karlsruhe (2001), NATO ASI - Praga (2002), Hottinger(2006), Udine-CISM (2006,2008), Bruell&Kjaer (2007). Visiting profesor la Technische Universität München (1994). A publicat 10 cărţi, 12 cursuri, manuale şi culegeri pentru studenţi, 216 articole indexate ISI, peste 230 de articole ştiinţifice (în reviste ca Journal of Applied Mechanics-ASME Transactions, Mechanics Research Communications, Applied Mechanics, etc). A participat la peste 50 de contracte de cercetare ştiinţifică, la cca jumătate dintre ele fiind director de proiect. Este membru al Societăţii Inginerilor Mecanici din America (ASME), EUROMECH, IAENG,etc. Este organizatorul seriilor de conferinţe internaţionale COMEC şi COMAT. Prof. dr. ing. Sorin Vlase este în prezent membru şeful Catedrei de Mecanică,  Universitatea TRANSILVANIA din Braşov şi titular al cursurilor de Mecanică, Mecanică tehnică, Mecanică Computaţională, Metode numerice şi Advanced Finite Element.


Articole indexate in ISI Web of Science


1. Vlase, S., A Method of Eliminating Lagrangean Multipliers from the Equation of Motion of Interconnected Mechanical  System. ASME Transaction. Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 54, 1987, p.235-236.

2. Vlase, S., Elimination of Lagrangean Multipliers. Mech. Research Communications, Vol. 14, 1987, p.17-20.

3. Brüller, O., Katouzian, M., Vlase, S., Some results on the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour of fiber reinforced compozite. Congres - Recent Advances in Experimental Mechanics, A.A. Balkema,Barcelona., 1994, p.1025-1029, ISBN 90-5410-395-7.

4. Vlase, S.,  Finite Element Analysis of the Planar  Mechanisms: Numerical Aspects. In Applied Mechanics - 4. Elsevier, 1992,p.90-100, ISBN 1-85166-725-3.

5. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Stanciu, A., Guiman, V., Munteanu,V., Vasii, M.,  The Increase of Loading Capability of  Glass Fibers Reinforced Tubes. 6 th International DAAAM Baltic Conference  INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING,    24 - 26th April 2008, Tallin, ESTONIA. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679.

6. Vlase, S., Scutaru, L., Teodorescu, H., Some Consideration concerning the Use of the Law of Mixture in the Identification of the Mechanical Properties of the Composites. 6 th International DAAAM Baltic Conference  INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING,    24 - 26th April 2008, Tallin. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679.

7. Vlase,S., Teodorescu-Draghicescu,H., Scutaru,L., On the Eigenvalues of the Elastic Systems with Some Symmetries. 6 th International DAAAM Baltic Conference  INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING,    24 - 26th April 2008, Tallin, ESTONIA. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679.

8. Teodorescu H., Vlase, S.,  Rosu, D., Ulea, M. , Residual Internal Stresses determined Experimentally in Hollow Composite Laminates , in E. E. Gdoutos (Editor), Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. Springer. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, p. 129 – 130 , Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 1-6, 2007, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-6.

9. Enescu, I., Vlase, S., Lepadatescu, B., Purcarea, R., Dumitrascu, A., Non-Hertzian Normal Contact of Elastic Body Model by finite Elements. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia.ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.0479.

10. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, H.; Vlase, S.; Motoc, L.D.; Scutaru, M.L.; Stanciu, A.; Rosu, D.: New Ultra Lightweight and Extreme Stiff Sandwich Composite Structure for Multiple Applications. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.1375.

11. Vlase,S., Modrea,A.,Burca,I., Purcarea,R., Munteanu,M.V., Scutaru, M.L., Experimental Results Concerning the Geometric, Structural and Dimensional Differences in Fiber  Reinforced Composites. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.1491.

12. Vlase, S., Munteanu, M.V., Scutaru, M.L., On the Topological Description of the Multibody Systems. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.1493.

13. Vlase, S., Purcarea, R., Munteanu, M.V., Scutaru, M.L., On the Dynamic Analysis of an Elastic Multi-Bodies System. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia. ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.1495.

14. Vlase, S., Purcarea, R., Scutaru, M.L., Munteanu, M.V., Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Elastic Systems with Three Identical Parts. 19th DAAAM International Symposium. Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 22-25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia.ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, ISSN  1726-9679,p.1497.

15. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Cotoros, D., Munteanu, V., Guiman, V., Modelling of Tensile Behaviour of Sheet Moulding Compounds. The 2007 Int. Conf. on Mechanical Engineering ICME07, World Congress on Engineering WCE2007, Imperial College London, 2-4 July 2007, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, ISBN 978-988-98671-5-7 (vol.1), ISBN 978-988-98671-2-6 (vol.2), p. 1407-1410.

18. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, I. Candea, D.L. Motoc, Some Averaging Methods in the Micromechanics of Composite Materials with Periodic Structure , International Conference on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION (ACMOS '08), Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-30, p.210-214, 2008, ISBN 978-960-6766-63-3.

19. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, V. Mihalcica, M. Vasii, Modeling Some Composite Laminates Subjected to Temperature and Humidity Variations , International Conference on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION (ACMOS '08), Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-30,p.215-225, 2008, ISBN 978-960-6766-63-3.

20. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, D. Luca Motoc, I. Popa, D. Rosu, Fl. Teodorescu, Mechanical behavior of an advanced sandwich composite structure. International Conference, Engineering Mechanics, Structures, Engineering Geology , NEW ASPECTS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY (EMESEG '08), Heraklion, Crete Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2008, ISBN 978-960-6766-88-6.

21. H.Teodorescu, S. Vlase, L. Scutaru , Modelling the tensile behaviour of pre-impregnated composite materials , Lucrarea 575-525, The 3rd IASME / International Conference on CONTINUUM MECHANICS (CM'08),THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ASPECTS OF CONTINUUM MECHANICS, Cambridge,UK, February 23-25, 2008, ISBN 978-960-676638-1.

22. Teodorescu,H., Vlase, S., Dynamic Analysis of an Ultra-Lightweight Sandwich Structure for Multiple Applications. Paper 571-244. Proceedings of the 3rd IASME International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '07), MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, Arcachon, France, October 13-15, 2007, ISBN 978-960-6766-08-4.

23. Scutaru,L., Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Study of Vibration Suppresion of Mechanical Systems with Elastic Elements. Paper 571-270. Proceedings of the 3rd IASME International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '07),  MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATION, Arcachon, France, October 13-15, 2007, ISBN 978-960-6766-08-4.

24. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Candea,I., On Tensile behaviour of Sheet Moulding Compounds, Proceedings of the 7th  International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization. NEW ADVANCED IN SIMULATION, MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION (SMO’07), Beijing, China. Pages 197-200,2007. ISBN ~ ISSN:1790-5117 , 978-960-6766-07-7.

25. Enescu,I., Vlase,S., Normal Contact of Elastic Solids (Hertzian contact) by MathCAD Method. Advanced Application of Electrical Engineering. Proceedings of the 7th  International Conference on Application of Electrical Engineering (AEE’08), Trondheim, Norway,July 3-4, 2008, pg.211, ISBN ~ ISSN:1790-5117 , 978-960-6766-80-0.

26. M. L. Scutaru, S. Vlase, H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu and R. Purcarea, Study Regarding Thermal Transfer Through Wooden Panels,  1st  International Conference on URBAN REHABILITATION AND SUSTAINABILITY (URES'08), Bucuresti, 7 november 2008, p.19-22, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-474-023-9.

27. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Dana Luca Motoc,Maria Luminita Scutaru and Ramona Purcarea, On the Elastic Properties of Some Advanced Composite Laminates Subjected to Off-axis Loading Systems,1st  International Conference on MATERIALS SCIENCE (MATERIALS'08), Bucuresti, 7-9 November 2008, ISBN 978-960-474-024-6, ISSN 1790-2769, p.40-44.

28. L.M. Scutaru, S. Vlase, H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, A. Chiru, Thermal Transfer Analysis of Sandwich Panels Made of Composite Materials Used in Wood Housing Construction in Order to Lessen Energy Consumption. Paper 609-646. The 4th IASME International Conference on CONTINUUM MECHANICS (CM'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2009.

29. Luminita Maria Scutaru, M. Katouzian, Sorin Vlase, Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Anghel Chiru, Some Results and an Experimental Evaluation of the Viscoelastic Parameters of Laminated Composites. Paper: 609-645. The 4th IASME International Conference on CONTINUUM MECHANICS (CM'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2009.

30. Luminita Maria Scutaru, M. Katouzian, Sorin Vlase, Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Anghel Chiru, An Estimation of the Viscoelastic Parameters of Laminated Composites. Paper: 609-644. The 4th IASME International Conference on CONTINUUM MECHANICS (CM'09), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, February 24-26, 2009.

32. Pirnă,I., Teodorescu-Drăghicescu, H.,  Vlase,S., Cândea,I., Scutaru,L., Luca Motoc,D., Chiru,A.,  Flexural Rigidity Evaluation of a New Sandwich Structure With Nonwoven Polyester Mat. 11th  International Conference on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009.

33. Pirnă, I., Teodorescu-Drăghicescu, H., Vlase, S., Cândea, I., Scutaru, LM., Enescu,I., Burcă,I., Elasticity Evaluation of Carbon and Aramid Fibre-Reinforced Laminates. 11th  International Conference on AUTOMATIC CONTROL, MODELLING and SIMULATION (ACMOS '09), Istanbul, Turkey, May 30 - June 1, 2009.

34. Teodorescu-Draghicescu,H.,  Vlase,S., Rosu,D., Purcarea,R., Munteanu,V., Damping Analysis of a New Sandwich Structure. World Congress on Engineering , London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2009, ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1.

35. Teodorescu-Draghicescu,H.,  Vlase,S., Chiru,A., Scutaru,ML., Luca Motoc,D.,  A Homogenization Method for Pre-Impregnated Composite Materials. World Congress on Engineering , London, U.K., 1-3 July, 2009, ISBN: 978-988-17012-5-1.

36. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anghel Chiru, Dorin Rosu, Ramona Purcarea, Andrei Bencze, Stiffness Evaluation of a Spherical Cap Sandwich Structure. Paper 620-381. 2nd International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING  GEOLOGY  (EMESEG '09), Rodos Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2009.

37. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anghel Chiru, Maria Luminita Scutaru, Dana Luca Motoc, On the Elastic Constants of a Fibre-Reinforced Composite Laminate,paper 620-382. 2nd International Conference on ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING  GEOLOGY  (EMESEG '09), Rodos Island, Greece, July 22-24, 2009.

38. Dorin Rosu, Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anca Stanciu, Violeta Guiman. Energetically Efficient Heating Radiant Systems Using Advanced Composite Materials. Paper 625-297, 1st Int.Conf. on MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, QUALITY and PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (MEQAPS'09), Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, September 24-26, 2009.

39. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anghel Chiru, Maria Luminita Scutaru, Ionatan Popa. On the Elastic Properties of Some Fibre-Reinforced Composite Structures. Paper 625-271. 1st Int.Conf. on MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, QUALITY and PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (MEQAPS'09), Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, September 24-26, 2009.

40. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anghel Chiru, Ramona Purcarea, Violeta Munteanu. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches Regarding the Stiffness Increase of Fibre-Reinforced Composite Structures. Paper  625-272. 1st Int.Conf. on MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, QUALITY and PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (MEQAPS'09), Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, September 24-26, 2009.

 41. Ioan Enescu, Badea Lepadatescu, Sorin Vlase. Non – Hertzian Normal Contact of Elastic Body Model by Finite Elements. Paper 625-236. 1st Int.Conf. on MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, QUALITY and PRODUCTION SYSTEMS (MEQAPS'09), Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, September 24-26, 2009.


Articole publicate in volumele conferintelor internationale


1. Vlase, S., Asupra rezolvării ecuaţiilor de mişcare a mecanismelor prin colocaţii. Al II-a Simpozion Internaţional IFTOMM, Vol. I-2, 1985, p.693-698.

2. Vlase, S., Modele topologice pentru studiul mecanismelor plane cu articulatii. Al II-a Simpozion International IFTOMM, Vol. I-2, 1985, p.365-374.

3. Vlase, S., Analiza elastodinamică a mecanismelor spaţiale  cu metoda elementelor finite. Al IV-lea Simpozion SYROM, Bucureşti, Vol. II-2, 1985, p.413-418.

4. Goia,I., Modrea,A., Vlase,S., Thalmann,I., Calculus of the Mechanical Properties for the Composite Materials,IX-th International Conference-Automotive for the Next Century-Conat 99, Braşov, 11-12 noiembrie 1999 (Lucrarea editată pe CD conferinţei).

5. Burcă,I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Identificarea mişcărilor la trecerea peste garduri în scopul validării modelării matematice. Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională: COMPETIŢIA, Bucureşti, 24 octombrie, pag. 47-51, 2003.

6. Burcă, I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Modrea, A., Model multicorp al alergătorului de garduri. Conferinţa ştiinţifică internaţională: COMPETIŢIA, Bucureşti, 24 octombrie, pag. 40-46, 2003.

7. Vlase, S., Structural Symmetries used in the Vibrational Analysis of the Mechanical Systems. The International Conference  TEHNONAV 2004, 27-29 Mai, 2004, în Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering – Tehnonav 2004, Volume 6, Tom I, 2004, ISSN-1223-7221.

8. Vlase, S., Influence of the Relative Motion in the Multibody Systems with Elastic Elements. The International Conference  TEHNONAV 2004, 27-29 Mai, 2004, în Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering – Tehnonav 2004, Volume 6, Tom I, p.383-386, 2004, ISSN-1223-7221.

9. Vlase,S., The Use of the Structural Symmetries in the Vibration Analysis of the Transmission. Conferinţa Internaţională CONAT, 2004, Braşov.

10. Vlase, S., Tofan, M., Goia, I., Modrea, A., On the Vibrations of the Multibody Systems with Structural Symmetries. A II-a Conferinta Internaţională SRA de acustică şi vibraţii, oct.2004, p. 87,  Bucureşti.

11. Vlase, S., Influence of the Coriolis Terms on the Motion Equations of the Elastic Systems. A II-a Conferinta Internationalaa SRA de acustică şi vibraţii, oct.2004, p.85, Bucureşti.

12. Tofan, M., Plămădeală,R., Goia,I., Vlase, S., Stifness of a Gas Pipe. A II-a Conferinţă Internaţională SRA de acustică şi vibraţii, oct.2004, p.83,Bucureşti.

13. Burcă,I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Ulea, M., Analiza cinematică a trecerii peste gard prin rotaţii finite. Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională,ed.XIII, Bucureşti, 2004.

14. Burcă,I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Modrea, A., Identificarea trecerii peste gard cu rotaţii finite. Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională, ed.XIII, Bucureşti, 2004.

15. Goia, I., Modrea, A., Vlase, S., Thalmann, I., On the Geometric, Structural and Dimensional Differences observed to Fibre Reinforced Composites. Part I. Theoretical Considerations. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Stress Analysis and Material Testing,p3.35-3.40, 2004, Sibiu.

16. Goia, I., Modrea, A., Vlase, S., Thalmann, I., On the Geometric, Structural and Dimensional Differences observed to Fibre Reinforced Composites. Part II. Experimental Results. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Experimental Stress Analysis and Material Testing, 2004, p.3.67-3.70, Sibiu.

17. Vlase, S., Cotoros, D., The Use of the Structural Symmetries in the Vibration Analysis of the Transmission. The 36-th International Scientific Symposium of METRA, Proceedings, vol.I,p.250-255, Bucharest, May, 26th-27th,2005, ISBN 973-0-03923-2.

18.Cotoros,D.,  Vlase, S., Mathcad Simulation of the Gyroscopic Effect upon Missiles Trajectory. The 36-th International Scientific Symposium of METRA, Proceedings, vol.I,p.250-255, Bucharest, May, 26th-27th,2005, ISBN 973-0-03923-2.

19. Vlase S. - Second Order Effects in the Multibody Systems with Elastic Bars. 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering, COMEC2005, Braşov, 20-22 octombrie 2005.

20. Vlase,S.,Modrea,A., Munteanu,V., Ramona,A.,  On the Reactions in One Degree of Freedom Multibody System. 1st International Conference on ²Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering ². COMEC 2005, 20 – 22 October 2005, Brasov, Romania,p.104-111.

21. S. Vlase, Stanciu A., V. Guiman , N. Nan, M. Vasii, On the Coriolis Effects on the Motion of the Elastic Multibody Systems. 1st International Conference on ²Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering ². COMEC 2005, 20 – 22 October 2005, Brasov, Romania,p.100-103.

22. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Cotoros,D.-Experimental Method to Determine Residual Internal Stresses in Tubular Composite Structures. Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-2, p. 480-483

23. Teodorescu H., Vlase S., Scutaru L., DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF AN ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT SANDWICH COMPOSITE STRUCTURE. .ISBN 973 – 635 – 593 – 4. 1st International Conference on ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Brasov, COMAT 2006.

24. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Scutaru,L., Dynamic Analysis of an Ultra-Lightweight Sandwich Composite Structure. 1st International Conference Advanced Composite Materials Engineering COMAT2006, 19-22 October 2006, Brasov, Romania, ISBN 973-635-821-8, p. 51-57.

25. Goia, I., Rosu, D., Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Tensile and bending tests of an advanced ultra-lightweight sandwich composite structure. Proceeding of the 1st Int. Conf. Advanced Composite Materials Engineering COMAT2006, 19-22 October 2006, Transilvania University of Brasov, ISBN 973-635-821-8, ISBN 978-973-635-821-0, p. 195-201.

26. Vlase,S., Some Considerations Concernings FEM Applied to the Multibody Systems with Elastic Elements. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

27. Teodorescu, H., Vlase,S., Munteanu,V., Guiman,V., Tensile Tests on Randomly Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

28. Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Scutaru,L., Stanciu,A., On the Mechanical Behaviour of some Filament Winding Composites Tubes Subjected to Internal Pressure. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

29. Serbina,L., Udup, E., Vlase,S., Calculul prin modelare cu elemente finite a tensiunilor şi a temperaturilor produse într-o instalaţie experimentală pentru produşi secundari de reacţie. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

30. Teodorescu,V., Vlase, S., Scutaru,L., Purcărea, R., Mechanical Behaviour of Non-pretensioned Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Tubes Subjected to Internal Pressure. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

31. Teodorescu,H., Vlase, S., Vasii, M., Rosu,D., Tensile Tests on RT300 Roving Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

32. Tofan, M., Burcă,I., Vlase,S., Goia,I., Energy Balance in the Pole Vaulting. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

33. Tofan,M., Ulea,M., Vlase,S., MathCAD Application for Structures Fundamental Contours Base Generation. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

34. Scutaru,L., Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Experimental Study Concerning the Thermical Transfer Influence trough Double Stratified Insulated Panels used in Housing Construction. Part I. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

35. Scutaru,L., Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Experimental Study Concerning the Thermical Transfer Influence trough Double Stratified Insulated Panels used in Housing Construction. Part II. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

36. Scutaru,L., Vlase,S., Teodorescu, H., Vasii,M., Four Major Chalenge that Support the Optimization of the Heating Systems used in Building Construction. 2nd International Conference „Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering”, COMEC 2007, Braşov, 11-13 oct. 2007.

37. M. L. Scutaru, S. Vlase, H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, G. Seritan: Influence Of Materials On The Thermic Isolation Of A Construction Site. The 2nd International Conference Advanced Materials Composite Engineering, COMAT 2008, 9-11 october 2008, Brasov.

38. H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, S. Vlase, M.L. Scutaru, A. Stanciu, L. Serbina, Stiffness Evaluation Of Some Advanced Composite Laminates Under Off-Axis Loading System. The 2nd International Conference Advanced Materials Composite Engineering, COMAT 2008, 9-11 october 2008, Brasov.

39.  H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, S. Vlase, D. Luca-Motoc, C. Cerbu, D. Rosu, 3-Point Bending Tests On Extruded Polystyrene Foam. The 2nd International Conference Advanced Materials Composite Engineering, COMAT 2008, 9-11 october 2008, Brasov.

40. M. Katouzian, S. Vlase, M. V. Guiman, Estimation Of The Viscoelastic Parameters Of Laminated Composites. Part I. Analytical Considerations. The 2nd International Conference Advanced Materials Composite Engineering, COMAT 2008, 9-11 october 2008, Brasov.

 41. M. Katouzian, S. Vlase, M. V. Guiman, Estimation Of The Viscoelastic Parameters Of Laminated Composites. Part II. Experimental Procedures. The 2nd International Conference Advanced Materials Composite Engineering, COMAT 2008, 9-11 october 2008, Brasov.



44. Enescu I., Lepadatescu B., Vlase S., Munteanu M.V., ELASTIC FOUNDATION MODEL OF ROLLING CONTACT WITH FRICTION.  The 3rd International Conference „COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS and VIRTUAL ENGINEERING” and applications in AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, „COMEC 2009”, 29-30 OCTOBER 2009, BRAŞOV, Under FISITA Patronage.


46. H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, D. Rosu, I. Goia, S. Vlase, R. Purcarea, A. Bencze,  ON THE STIFFNESS INCREASE OF FIBRE-REINFORCED COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. The 3rd International Conference „COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS and VIRTUAL ENGINEERING” and applications in AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, „COMEC 2009”, 29-30 OCTOBER 2009, BRAŞOV, Under FISITA Patronage.

47. H. Teodorescu-Draghicescu, S. Vlase, A. Chiru, M.L. Scutaru, I. Popa, E. Secara, A. Stanciu, STIFFNESS EVALUATION OF SOME QUASI-ISOTROPIC FIBRE-REINFORCED COMPOSITE LAMINATES. The 3rd International Conference „COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS and VIRTUAL ENGINEERING” and applications in AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING, „COMEC 2009”, 29-30 OCTOBER 2009, BRAŞOV, Under FISITA Patronage.




51. Anghel Chiru, Sorin Vlase,Carol Ambrus, Dumitru Nicoara, Ioan Pirna, Anca Stanciu, Vibrations analysis of an heavy truck with two identical engines. Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation-ModTech, ModTech 2009, Chişinău,21-23 mai 2009 (informatii pe site-ul

52. Anghel Chiru, Sorin Vlase,Leonte Petric,Arina Modrea, Ioan Pirna, Virgil Mihalcica, Use of the Law of Mixtures in the Mechanical Identification of Composite Materials. Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation-ModTech, ModTech 2009, Chişinău,21-23 mai 2009 (informatii pe site-ul

53. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Anghel Chiru, Ramona Purcarea & Ionatan Popa, AVERAGING METHODS IN THE MICROMECHANICS OF PRE-IMPREGNATED COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation-ModTech, ModTech 2009, Chişinău,21-23 mai 2009 (informatii pe site-ul

54. Horatiu Teodorescu-Draghicescu, Sorin Vlase, Maria Luminita Scutaru, Dana Luca Motoc & Violeta Guiman, SOME ADVANCED SYMMETRIC COMPOSITE LAMINATES SUBJECTED TO OFF-AXIS LOADING SYSTEMS. A STIFFNESS EVALUATION. Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation-ModTech, ModTech 2009, Chişinău,21-23 mai 2009 (informatii pe site-ul

55. Dorin Rosu,Teodorescu-Draghicescu,H., Sorin Vlase, Maria Luminita Scutaru, & Alexandru Teisanu, HEATING RADIANT SYSTEMS MANUFACTURED FROM ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS. Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation-ModTech, ModTech 2009, Chişinău,21-23 mai 2009 (informatii pe site-ul


Carti publicate:


1. Vlase, S., Elastodinamica elementelor finite. Editura LUX LIBRIS, 1996. 

2. În colectiv,  Statica.Culegere de probleme. Ed. ELIDA, 2000.

3. În colectiv, Cinematica, Culegere de probleme, Ed. LUX LIBRIS, 2001.

4. Vlase, S., Mecanica. Statica. Ed. INFOMARKET, 2004.ISBN 973-8204-52-6

5. Vlase, S., Mecanică computaţională. Ed. INFOMARKET, 2006. ISBN 973-8204-75-5

6. Deliu, Gh., Vlase, S., Mecanica. Statica. Culegere de probleme. Ed. Albastră, Cluj, 2004. ISBN 973-650-139-6.

7. Vlase,S., Mecanica. Dinamica. Ed. Infomarket, 2005. 973-8204-74-7.

8. Vlase,S., s.a., Materiale compozite. Metode de calcul. Editura Universităţii TRANSILVANIA, 2007. ISBN 978-973-635-890-6.

9. Goia,I., Vlase,S., Tierean,M., Dimitriu,St., Teodorescu,H., Pop,O., Plămădeală,R., Culegere de probleme de rezistenţa materialelor. Ed. Lux Libris, 2007.ISBN 978-973-9458-92-4.

10. Vlase, S., Mecanica. Cinematica. Ed. Infomarket, 2007. ISBN 978-973-8204-96-6

11. Vlase,S., Mecanica. Statica. Ed. a II-a,revăzută şi adăugită,  Ed. Infomarket, 2008. ISBN 973-973-1747-01-9.

12. Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Purcărea,R., Modrea,A., Mecanica materialelor compozite armate cu fibre, Ed. Infomarket, 2008. ISBN 978-973-8204-98-0.

13. Burcă,I., Tofan,M.,Vlase,S., Munteanu,V., Mecanica mişcărilor sportive. Ed. Infomarket, 2009.

14. Scutaru,L., Teodorescu-Drăghicescu,H., Vlase,S., Mecanica tehnică. Ed. Infomarket, 2009.

15. Vlase,S., Teodorescu-Drăghicescu,H.,ş.a., Culegere de probleme de cinematică şi dinamică. Ed. Infomarket, 2009.


Capitole in carti, in strainatate:

16 Vlase, S.,  Finite Element Analysis of the Planar  Mechanisms: Numerical Aspects. In Applied Mechanics - 4. Elsevier, 1992,p.90-100.

17. Vlase,S.,Munteanu,V., Scutaru,L.,  Kinematical Analysis of the Multibody Systems using Topological Description, DAAAM International Scientific Book 2008, Vol. 7, ISSN 1726-9687, ISBN 3-901509-69-0, Editor: B. Katalinic, hard cover, Publisher  DAAAM International Vienna, Vienna.

18. Teodorescu H., Vlase, S.,  Rosu, D., Ulea, M. , Residual Internal Stresses determined Experimentally in Hollow Composite Laminates , in E. E. Gdoutos (Editor), Experimental Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. Springer. Alexandroupolis, Greece, July 1-6, 2007, Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-1-4020-6.


Editor carti:


20. S. Vlase, I. Curtu, The 1st International Conference ADVANCED COMPOSITES MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Ed. Universităţii TRANSILVANIA din Braşov, 2006.

21. S. Vlase, S.Lache, Gh. Radu, The 2nd International Conference ADVANCED COMPOSITES MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Ed. Universităţii TRANSILVANIA din Braşov, 2008.

22. S. Vlase, A. Chiru, The 2nd International Conference COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS and VIRTUAL ENGINEERING, COMEC2007. Ed. Universităţii TRANSILVANIA, Braşov, 2007.

23. S. Vlase, A. Chiru, Yasushi Niitsu, The 3rd International Conference COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS and VIRTUAL ENGINEERING, COMEC2009. Ed. Universităţii TRANSILVANIA, Braşov, 2009.


Cursuri, culegeri, indrumare

  1. Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Vibraţiile sistemelor mecanice. Curs, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 1985.

  2. Mosu, N., Candea, I., Vlase, S., Mecanică. Dinamica.  Curs reprografia Universităţii Transilvania. 1986.

  3. În colectiv, Mecanică. Lucrări de Laborator. Reprografia Universităţii Transilvania 1987.

  4. În colectiv, Statica. Culegere  de probleme. Reprografia Universităţii Transilvania 1988.

  5. În colectiv, Cinematica şi Dinamica. Culegere  de probleme. Reprografia Universităţii Transilvania 1988.

  6. Moşu, N., Candea, I., Vlase, I., Mecanica. Statica.  Curs, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 1989.

  7.  Moşu, N., Candea, I., Vlase, I., Mecanica. Cinematica. Curs, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 1991.

  8. Vlase, S., Mecanica. Cinematica. Curs, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 1993.

  9. În colectiv, Statica. Culegere  de probleme. Reprografia Universităţii Transilvania 1996.

10. Vlase,S., Mecanica tehnică. IDD, Curs pentru Inginerie Economică, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 2002.

11. Vlase,S., Mecanică III. Dinamica. Curs. Reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 2003.

12. Vlase, S., Mecanica. IDD, Mecanica I, Statica,  Curs pentru Autovehicule Rutiere, Invăţământ cu frecvenţă redusă, Mecanica, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 2007.

13. Vlase, S., Mecanica. IDD, Mecanică II, Cinematica şi Dinamica, Curs pentru Autovehicule Rutiere, Invăţământ cu frecvenţă redusă , reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 2008.

14. Vlase,S., Mecanica. Invăţământ la Distanţă, reprografia Universităţii Transilvania, 2008.


Articole publicate in strainatate


1. Mihălcică, V., Vlase, S., Goia, I., Programming System for Crankshafts Design. Simpozion ISATA, Wolfsburg, sept, 1981,p.238-247.

2. Mocanu, I., Goia, I., Vlase, S.,  The Determination of the Stress Concentrators which Appear at the Cranckshaft. Proceedings of the 2th Conference on Testing Equipment for Experimental Investigations of Mechanical Properties of Material and Structures. Moscow, USSR, Vol. 1, 1989, p.225-234.

3. Mocanu, D., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Vasu, O.,  Experimental  checkings in the elastodynamic analysis of mechanism, by using finite elements. International Congress On Experimental Mechanics, Lyngby, Danemarca, 1990, p.1053-1058.

4. Tofan, M., Goia, I., Tira, Vlase, S., Mocanu, D.,  The Element of a Shaft Straghtener Algorithm. 8-th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence Based Measurement and Control, AIMaC-91, Kyoto, 1991, p.33-38.

5. Goia, I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Tira, G., Mocanu, R.,  The Calculation of Normal Stress of Certain Curved Bars of Variable width Subjected to pure Bending and their Experiment Verification. The 12-th IMEKO World Congress Mesurement and Progess Digest, Vol.I, Beijing, 1991, p.5-6.

6. Goia, I., Tofan, M., Moscovici, I., Vlase, S., Study Equipement and Experiment for Telescopic Cylinder Break-Test for Safety Coefficient Establishing. IMECO-GESA 92, Symposium on  Risk Minimisation ,(Vol. suplimentar) Düsseldorf, 1992, p.1-2.

7. Vlase,S., Goia, I., Analiza cu elemente finite a mecanismelor. Lucrarile Congresului al XVIII-lea al Academiei Romano-Americane de Stiinte si Arte, Chisinau,1993,p.64.

8. Vlase, S. Modeling of Multibody Systems with Elastic Elements.Zwischenbericht. ZB-86, Technische Universität, Sttutgart, 1994.

9. Vlase,S., Goia,I., Thalmannn,I., Modrea,A., Finite Element Analysis of a Shell Element with General Three-Dimensional Motion, ARA, Liege, 1999.

10. Vlase,S., The Liason Forces Eliminating in the Elasto-Dynamic Analysis of  Mechanical  Interconnected  Systems via Finite Element Method, ARA, Liege, 1999.

11. Deliu, Gh., Vlase, S., Deliu, M., Optimum Design of a Plane Mechanism. APM 2002, XXX Summer School Advanced Problems in Mechanics, 2002, St. Petersburg.

12. Deliu, G., Vlase, S., Deliu, M., A New Model of Impact Phenomena. APM 2002, XXX Summer School Advanced Problems in Mechanics, 2002, St. Petersburg.

13. Vlase, S., Deliu, Gh., On the Finite Element Analysis of the Elastic Multibodies Systems. APM 2002, XXX Summer School Advanced Problems in Mechanics, 2002, St. Petersburg.

14. Vlase,S., Tofan, M.C., Goia, I.A., Some Aspects of Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Multibody Systems.Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Vol.I,p.224-229, Editor: W. Schielen, Prague,2002.ISBN 1539-7734.

15. Tofan, M., Vlase,S., Micu,I.,  Parametric Identification of the Elastic Pole-Vaulting Pole. Virtual Nonlinear Multibody Systems. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Vol.I,p.224-229, Editor: W. Schielen, Prague, 2002.ISBN 1539-7734.

16. Deliu, Gh., Vlase, S., Baritz, M., Deliu, M., On the Tangential Impulses during an Actual Impact. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki,17-22 august,2003,Grecia,p.410. ISSN 0997-7538.

17. S. Vlase, Gh. Deliu, Modrea, A., M. Deliu, Some Properties of Symmetric Flexible Multi-Body Systems. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki,17-22 august,2003,Grecia, p.398. ISSN 0997-7538.

18. Vlase, S., Problems involved by Finite Element Analysis of Elastic Multybody  Systems. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, 17-22 august, Thessaloniki, Grecia, 2003, p188. ISSN 0997-7538.

19. Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Micu, I., Burca, I.,  On the Pole-Vaulting Pole Problem. Parametric Identification. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki, 17-22 august,Grecia, 2003, p.411. ISSN 0997-7538

20. Modrea, A., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Thalmann, I., The Use of the Law of Mixtures- Some Considerations. 5-th EUROMECH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, ESMC, Thessaloniki, 17-22 august,Grecia, 2003, p15. ISSN 0997-7538.

21. Ulea,M., Vlase,S., Munteanu,A., Dimitriu, Şt., FEM Models for Medium Rear Axle Housing. International Scientific Conference microCAD 2004, 18-19 March 2004, University of Miskolc.

22. Tofan,M., Micu,I., Burcă,I., Vlase, S., Plămădeală,R., Energetics of the Pole Vaulting. First International Conference „Mechanics and Machine Elements”, 4-6 November, 2004, Sofia, 2004.

23. Ulea, M., Vlase, S., Tofan, M., Modrea, A., Cotoros, D., The Use of the Structural Symmetries in the Vibrations Analysis of the Mechanical Systems. First International Conference „Mechanics and Machine Elements”, 4-6 November, 2004, Sofia, 2004.

24. Burcă,I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Ulea, M., Plămădeală, R., Model for Kinematic Analysis of the Hurdles Race using Cardan’s Rotation. The 3rd International Conference „Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, p.169-174, June 1-3,2005, Sozopol.

25. Burcă,I., Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Ulea, M.,  Kinematics in Hurdles Race. Euler Rotation. The 3rd International Conference „Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, p.174-180, June 1-3,2005, Sozopol.

26. Tofan, M., Plămădeală, R., Goia, I., Vlase, S.,  Elasto-dynamic model of the Stiffening Structure of an Overcrossing with Gas Pipes. The 3rd International Conference „Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century”, p.160-164, June 1-3,2005, Sozopol.

27. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, D. Cotoros, D. Rosu, Computing Models to estimate the  Behaviour at Temperature and Humidity Variations of some Fiber Reinforced Composites Structures, 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” 2nd IC-SCCE Athens, 5-8 July, 2006, p.31.

28. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, D. Cotoros, D. Rosu, An Original Computing Model Regarding the Longitudinal Tensile Behaviour of Multiphase Composite Materials, 2nd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering” 2nd IC-SCCE Athens, 5-8 July, 2006.p.17.

29. Teodorescu,H., Vlase, S., Guiman,V., Vasii,M., Munteanu, V.,On the Combined Thermal, Moisture and Mechanical Loading of some Composites Laminate Structures, National Conference with International Participants "Tehniceski sistemi i tehnologii 2006", 30 June-02 July 2006, Sliven, Bulgaria.

30. Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Guiman,V., Munteanu,V., Determination of Reactions that Appear in one Freedom Degree Mechanisms Constraints without Computing the Motions Equations, 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, EE&AE 2006, 7-9 June 2006, Russe, Bulgaria, p. 506-512.

31. Vlase, S., Apopei, R., Nan.N., Vasii,M., Coriolis Terms on the Motion Equations of the Elastic Systems, 3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering, EE&AE 2006, 7-9 June 2006, Russe, Bulgaria.

32. Teodorescu,H.,Vlase,S., Cotoros,D., Rosu,D. -The Behaviour at Temperature and Humidity Variations of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures. Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4, p.93-99

33. Teodorescu H., Vlase S., Cotoros D. - Experimental Method to determine Residual Internal Stresses in Tubular Composite Structures, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4, p.480-483.

34. Vlase S. - Second Order Effects in the Multibody Systems with Elastic Bars, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4.

35. S. Vlase, Stanciu A., V. Guiman , N. Nan, M.Vasii, On The Coriolis Effects On The Motion Of The Elastic Multibody Systems. Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4.

36. S. Vlase, A. Modrea, V. Munteanu, Apopei R., On The Reactions In One Degree Of Freedom Multibody Sistems. Proceedings 1st International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual Engineering COMEC 2005, Vol. 2, Transilvania University of Brasov, 20-22 October 2005, ISBN 973-635-593-4.

37. Goia, I., Tofan,M., Vlase,S., Ulea, M., Tipuri de curbe caracteristice ale materialelor cu o comportare nelineară utilizate în construcţii aeronautice, Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.54-57, 27-29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

38. Goia, I, Roşu, D., Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Încercări exprimentale asupra unor materiale compozite noi. Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.58-61, 27-29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

39. Teodorescu, H., Vlase,S., Scutaru,L., Purcărea, R., Aspecte privind mecanica materialelor compozite stratificate solicitate biaxial. Buletinul celei de a XXXI - a Conferinta Nationala de Mecanica Solidelor, p.62-65, -29 septembrie 2007, Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei, Chisinau, Republica Moldova.

40. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, I.Candea, V. Mihalcica, I. Popa, F. Teodorescu, AVERAGING METHODS IN THE MICROMECHANICS OF SHEET MOLDING COMPOUNDS, 3rd International Conference "from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering" Athens, Greece, 9-12 July, 2008,3rd IC-SCCE 2008.

41. H. Teodorescu, S. Vlase, R. Hisom, V. Guiman, V. Munteanu, A. Stanciu, D. Rosu, THE INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY VARIATIONS IN  THE MODELING OF COMPOSITE LAMINATES. 3rd International Conference "From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering" Athens, Greece, 9-12 July, 2008,3rd IC-SCCE 2008.

42 Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Scutaru,L., On the Form of the Motion Equations of the Multibody Systems with Elastic Elements. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 1, Volume 6, January 2007, ISSN 1109-2777, pg.190.

43. Lupu,M., Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Study of Speeds Regulators in Case of Some Non-Autonomous Vibrating Mechanisms,WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 1, Volume 6, January 2007, ISSN 1109-2777, pg. 82.

44. Tofan,M.,Vlase,S., Teodorescu, H., On the Kinematic Identification of the Hurdles Race using Cardan's Rotation. Lucrarea 539-314. The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics- MECHANICS 06, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006.

45. Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Teodorescu, H., Study of the Energetics of the Pole Vaulting, Lucrarea 539-316. The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics- MECHANICS 06, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006.

46 Teodorescu,H., Vlase,S., Rosu,D.,Cotoros,D., Damping analysis of an advanced sandwich composite structure , Lucrarea 539-313. The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics- MECHANICS 06, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006, p. 147-152.

47. Sorin Vlase, Horatiu Teodorescu, Ioan Burca, Ioan Candea, Virtual analysis of the athletic motion. Hurdles race. Lucrarea 539-317. The 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics- MECHANICS 06, pp.154-157, Venice, Italy, November 20-22, 2006.

48. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Nicoara, D., Guiman, V., Mechanical Behaviour of Pre-tensioned Glass Fiber Reinforced Composite Tubes Subjected to Internal Pressure. Studies in Mechanics, Environment and Geoscience. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS Int. Conf. on Continuum Mechanics, 15-17 May 2007, Portorose, Slovenia, p. 84-89, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-70-6.

49. Teodorescu, H., Vlase, S., Candea, I., Scutaru, L., Estimation of Homogeniyed Elastic Coefficients of Pre-impregnated Composite Materials. Studies in Mechanics, Environment and Geoscience. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS Int. Conf. on Continuum Mechanics, 15-17 May 2007, Portorose, Slovenia, p. 134-139, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-70-6.

50. Vlase,S., Scutaru, L., Stanciu(Patranescu), A., On the Topological Description of the Multibody Systems, ECCOMAS, iunie 2007, Milano, Italia, p.279. ISBN 1-4020-3392-3.

51. Deliu, Gh., Vlase, S., Deliu, M., Study and an Optimization of a Plane Mechanism used in Industrial Application. International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation. ADMOS 2003,N.-E Wiberg and P. Díez  (Eds)  Goteborg, 2003. ISBN 0045-7825.

52. Vlase,S., Chiru,A., SIMMETRY IN THE STUDY OF THE VIBRATIONS OF SOME ENGINEERING MECHANICAL SYSTEMS. 3rd International Conference on Experiments/Process/System  Modeling/Simulation/Optimization (3rd IC-EpsMsO), Athens, Greece, 8-11 July, 2009.

53. Vlase,S., Cândea,I., Mihălcică,V., Ambruş,C., VIBRATIONS OF THE TRANSMISSION OF A TRUCK WITH TWO IDENTICAL ENGINES. 3rd International Conference on Experiments/Process/System  Modeling/Simulation/Optimization (3rd IC-EpsMsO), Athens, Greece, 8-11 July, 2009.


Reviste, buletine ale universitatilor, revistele Academiei romane:


1. Tofan, M., Vlase, S., Modelul matematic dinamic al motorului cu ardere internă în reprezentare matriceală. Bul. Univ. Braşov, Vol. XIX-B, 1977, p.61-69.

2. Goia, I., Vasu, O., Vlase, S., Mihălcică, V., Identificarea dinamică a transmisiilor autovehiculelor. Revista Transporturilor şi Telecomunicaţiilor, Nr.3, iunie, 1980, p.177-179.

3. Vlase, S., Modele topologice pentru sisteme mecanice cu legături. St. Cerc. Fizică, Tom 33, Nr. 8, 1981, p.767-778.

4. Coşereanu, I., Goia, I., Vlase, S.,  Mihălcică, V., Metoda transmiterii nodale utilizată la ridicarea nedeterminărilor arborelui cotit. St. Cerc. Mec. Apl., Tom 39, Nr.2, 1981, p.301-310.

5. Vlase. S., Analiza cinematică a mecanismelor plane cu articulaţii  pe modele topologice. St. Cerc. Mec. Apl., Nr.4, Tom 40,  1981, p.511-525.

6. Goia, I., Vlase, S., Mihălcică, V., Tofan, M., Ulea, M., Metodologie pentru calculul arborilor cotiţi ai motoarelor cu ardere internă. Construcţii de Maşini, Nr.6, 1983.

7. Tofan, M., Ulea, M., Vlase, S., Consideraţii privind schimbul de caldură gaz perete în motoarele Diesel cu procedeul HM. Construcţii de Maşini, Nr.6, 1983.

8. Vlase, S., Ein ebenes Finites Element in Zustand einer Membrane für Elastodynamische Analyse der Mechanischen Systeme. Buletinul Univ. din Brasov, 1984, p.1-6.

9. Vlase, S., O metodă de eliminare a forţelor de legătură din ecuaţiile de mişcare ale sistemelor mecanice cu legături. St. Cerc. Mec. Apl., Tom 44, Nr.6, p. 547-554,1985.

10. Vlase, S., Elastodynamische Analyse der Mechanischen Systeme durch die Methode der Finiten Elemente. Buletinul Univ. din Braşov, 1985, p.1-6.

11. Vlase, S., Bewegungsleichungen für ein Finit Stabelement mit allgemeiner Bewegung. Buletinul  Univ. din Brasov, Vol. XXVIII-A, 1986, p.19-26.

12. Goia, I., Vlase, S., Schwingungen symmetrischer mechanischer Systeme mit endlicher Anzahl von Freiheitsgraden. Buletinul Univ. din Brasov, Vol. XXIX-A, 1987, p.1-8.

13. Mangeron, D., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Symmetrical Branched Systems Vibration. Memoriile sectiilor stiintifice ale  Academiei, Buc., seria IV, Tomul XII, Nr.1, 1991.

14.Vlase, S., Deliu,Gh.,  Finite Element Analysis of Flexible Mechanisms. Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering,Volume IV, Tom I, 2002, p.674-677, ISSN-1223-7221. Prezentată şi la ARTENS.

15. Modrea,A.,Goia,I.,Vlase, S., Elastic Identification of a Composite Material using  Finite Element Method. Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Volume IV, Tom I, 2002,p.554-557, ISSN-1223-7221. Prezentată şi la ARTENS.

16. Modrea,A., Goia, I., Vlase, S., The Influence of the Dimensional Differences on the Mechanical Properties of a Composite. Ovidius University Annals of Mechanical Engineering, Volume IV, Tom I, 2002, p.558-565, ISSN-1223-7221. Prezentată şi la ARTENS.

17. Vlase, S., The Liaison Forces Eliminating in the Finite Element Analysis of a Multibody System with Elastic Elements. 2002, Analele universitatii din Oradea.

18. Modrea, A., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Thalmann, I., The Influence of the Dimensional Differences on the Mechanical Properties of a Composite. 2002, Analele universitatii din Oradea.

19. Vlase.S., Asupra eliminării forţelor de legătură în analiza cu elemente finite a sistemelor multicorp.  Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu din Arad, secţia MECANICĂ, fascicola Mecanică, Roboţi industriali, Mecanisme, Organe de maşini, Mecanică Fină, Tehnologii de prelucrare convenţională  şi convenţională. p.43 -48, ISSN: 1582-3393,  Arad,2002.

20. Tofan, M., Burcă, I., Vlase, S., On the Interaction between Vaulter and Elastic Pole View as a Multibodies System. Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu din Arad, secţia MECANICĂ, fascicola Mecanică, Roboţi industriali, Mecanisme, Organe de maşini, Mecanică Fină, Tehnologii de prelucrare convenţională  şi neconvenţională. p.37-42, ISSN: 1582-3393, Arad,2002.

21. Modrea, A., Goia, I., Thalmann, I., Vlase, S., Asupra unor metode de determinare a constantelor elastice pentru materialele compozite armate cu fibre cilindrice. Analele Universităţii Aurel Vlaicu din Arad, secţia MECANICĂ, fascicola  p. , ISSN: 1582-3393,  Arad,2002.

22. Burcă,I., Vlase,S., Tofan, M., Modrea, A., On the Mechanical Parameters Identification at Obstacle Race  Try-Out. The Annals of the Oradea University, vol.II (XII), p.52, mai, 2003, ISSN - 1583 - 0691.

23. Modrea, A., Goia, I., Vlase, S., Ulea, M., Finite Element Method used for the Elastic Constants of a Compozite Material Calculus. The Annals of the Oradea University, vol.II (XII), p.10, mai, 2003, ISSN - 1583 - 0691.

24. Vlase, S., The Vibration of the Mechanical Systems showing Certain Symmetries. The Annals of the Oradea University, vol.II (XII), p.37, mai, 2003, ISSN - 1583 - 0691.

25. Vlase, S., On the Coriolis Damping in the Finite Element Analysis of Multi-Bodies Systems. Buletinul Universităţii Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti, Volum LV, Nr.4/2003, p.320-325.

26. Burcă, I., Vlase, S., Tofan, M., Modrea, A.,Multibody Human Model used in Athletics. Annual Session of Scientific Papers, IMT-Oradea, 27-28 mai, 2004, în Analele Universităţii din Oradea.   

27. Vlase, S., Goia, I., Modrea, A., Use of the Symmetries for Vibrational Analysis of the ROMAN 8135 Truck. Annual Session of Scientific Papers, IMT-Oradea, 27-28 mai, 2004, în Analele Universităţii din Oradea.

28. Vlase, S., On the Problems involved by Dynamic Analysis of an Elastic Multibodies System. Annual Session of Scientific Papers, IMT-Oradea, 27-28 mai, 2004, în Analele Universităţii din Oradea.

29. Vlase,S., On the Motion Equations of a Multibody System having Elastic Elements. 1st International Conference Prof.Emil Gaiginschi jubilee, Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering, 8-10th of July,Bul. Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Tomul L, Fascicola 6A, p.71-76, 2004.

30. Vlase,S., Mihalcică,V., Modrea, A,Cotoros, D., On the Reactions Eliminating in the   Virtual Dynamic Analysis of the Mechanisms. 1st International Conference Prof.Emil Gaiginschi jubilee, Advanced Concepts in Mechanical Engineering, 8-10th of July, Bul. Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi. Tomul L, Fascicola 6A, p.77-82, 2004.

31. Cotoros,D., Vlase,S., Vibrations Influence upon the Indications of a Dynamically tuned Gyroscope. Simpozion ASVM, Timişoara,mai, în vol. Ed. De Academia Română, p.131-136, 2005, ISBN 973-625-238-8.

32. Vlase,S., Cotoros,D., Some properties of the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the Elastic Systems with Three Identical Parts. Simpozion ASVM, Timişoara, mai, în Academia Română, p.227-231, 2005, ISBN 973-625-238-8.

33. Vlase,S., Finite Element Analysis of Multibody Systems with Elastic Elements, Al II-lea Simpozion Internaţional de Mecanică Teoretică şi Aplicată DIMITRIE MANGERON, Bul. Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi, Tomul LI(LIV), secţia Construcţii de Maşini, Mecanică Aplicată, p.373-380, 2005.

34.Deliu, Gh., Vlase, S., Mechanism closed by Inertia. Annals of the Oradea University. Fascicle of Management and  Technological Engineering, vol.IV(XIV), pg.34, 2005, ISSN 1583-0691. 

35. Vlase,S.,  On the Motion Equations of an One Dimensional Finite Element in a Rotation Field, A XXIX-a Conferinţă Naţională de Mecanica Solidelor, Bul. Universităţii Petrol Gaze din Ploieşti, vol.LVII, Seria Tehnică, nr.4/2005, p.159-164.

36. S.Vlase, H.Teodorescu, A. Modrea, V. Munteanu, Reactions in One Degree Of Freedom Multibody Systems without solving the Motions Equations, ANNUAL SESSION of SCIENTIFIC PAPERS , "IMT ORADEA - 2006",Oradea, Felix Spa, MAY 18 th - 19 th, 2006 p.82.

37. S.Vlase, Finite Element Analysis of Multibody Systems with Flexible Elements. Bul. Inst.Politehnic Iasi, 2005.p.373-380.

38. Roşu D., Goia,I., Vlase, S., Teodorescu,H., SOME FAILURE MODES OF POLYLITE 440-M888 POLYESTER RESIN REINFORCED WITH RT300 ROVING FABRIC SUBJECTED TO TENSILE LOADINGS. Publication: MOCM, Number 13, Volume IV, 2007; Cod: MOCM200713V04S01A0036; ID: 1938, Modelling And Optimization In The Machines Building Field,  The papers published in the journal are indexed and abstracted in several International Databases: Viniti (Russia), CSA (USA)., ISSN 1224-7480

39. Scutaru,L., Vlase,S., Teodorescu,H., Aspects concerning the Thermic Transfer trough Insulated Panels used in Housing Construction, Annals of the Oradea University,vol.VI. p.74,2007.

40. Scutaru,L., Vlase, S., Teodorescu,H., Research concerning thermical loss calculation. Annals of the Oradea University, Vol.VI,2007,p.73.

41. Teodorescu,H., Chiru,A., Vlase,S., Recycling of the Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites Structures used in Automotive Industry. Ingineria Automobilului, nr.6, martie 2008, p.16-17.