Intelligent design and creationism different

SCMP Education Mailbag (June 5, 2009)

Intelligent design (ID) is different to creationism and should not be characterised as the same position. For one, intelligent-design advocates don't posit a theistic creator from the outset - rather an intelligent designer or designers. Students should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they think ID is most conducive with the evidence provided or evolution; students should not be indoctrinated into believing only the "official" theory.

Contrary to what was written on May 29, we do have a host of scientific and philosophical arguments both inductive and deductive that are sound and persuasive in arguing for the existence of a creator of the universe, more so than a worldview that is purely naturalistic and a priori assumes a closed system.

In the same issue the writer wrote that introducing ID into the classroom runs the risk of offending someone of a different faith. This is false since many faiths can and do agree with intelligent design.

Interestingly given the nature of this objection, the writer sees no problem in offending people of faith who are advocates of ID.


Lamma Island