我們的話 Quotes from members


The following are comments we received from people who signed in our petition, and many are very to the point about the issue.

WOO Chun-hong

It is pathetic that I am being forced to sign a petition against a measure that the HKSAR Government should never have even considered. The inclusion of intelligent design/creationism as part of the school curriculum goes against all scientific principles. Similar measures have been roundly defeated in Western countries, Germany, for example. That Hong Kong considers itself a 'world class city' rings hollow when there is no clear separation of church and state.

Fok Sze Man

Education is very important. We should consider this matter seriously and carefully in order not to mislead children.

Anonymous #160 in our signature campaign

The actions of the creationists are disgusting. I have heard from a biology student in our school that the biology teacher said, 'Evolution has been rejected generally.'

It gets me furious. My school is a college founded by CCC.

Francis Bijo

It is a shame that the children, during their early ages of formation, are introduced to ideologies sponsored and supported by religious beliefs. The question is, whether religion, which is also a form of knowledge, is a matter of mere option between two or more inevitabilities or an informed choice? I urge the administration of HKSAR review its policy in this matter. OR is the silent approval an 'Intelligent Design'?

Anonymous #133 in our signature campaign

This is a travesty.

I never thought public education in Hong Kong would sink to the level of public education in Texas or North Dakota.

Bennett Stanley

I find the idea of promoting thinly-veiled religious propaganda dressed up as 'alternatives' to actual science morally repugnant and intellectually dishonest.

Even in a field of study which is entirely based on observable evidence, HK bureaucrats once again turn a blind eye to facts and reality in favor of well-spun lies and misinformation. It demonstrates a casual disregard for truth, quality education and academic integrity by the HKEB, in favor of someone important's personal views.

Norman Voss

Religious Theories belong into religious education not into the regular school education. Ignoring this need means reversing centuries of enlightenment.

Michael Lamb

Creationism and Intelligent design are not based in scientific thought (peer review and adherence to the facts) ergo they do not deserve to be taught as "science". These ideas are the byproduct of an overly fanatical christian evangelical sect and are more akin to propaganda than rational thought.

The only appropriate place for a course dealing with this subject is as a religious study, not as science.

Creationism and Intelligent design need to stay as religious subjects, and not science.

Narelle Johnston

In Science students are taught how to appreciate evidence supporting theories. If alternative theory models are offered then it can only be in the context of the validity of evidence offered.


............stay out of science class, HKSAR is already stupid enough to erect a Creationist Park, when are we going to teach the Earth is only 6000 yrs old?

Tsang Chin Kwan

This is not a right way for teaching logical & critical thinking and creativity. This propose enhanced irrational and breaking the development of students' logical thinking.

Please never forget the purpose of science education in secondary level.

Virginia Yue

If HK is to become an education hub, our policy planners for education has to stand firm on principles of science and reflect what is the current scientific community consensus: only evolution is the explanation - others should be outside of science class.

Wai Chuen Thomas TSOI

Science is the the reason why we are living in the modern era, not the dark ages. And the goal of science education is to enlighten our students by teaching them how to think rationally. This is something we cannot forgo.




Lau Kelvin



Nelson Lau

The Hong Kong Government never truely respect and support the development of Science in HKSAR. I am extremely disappointed and angry with this.

Adrian Mok

Being open-minded is not to accept any personal prejudices, it's about possibly changing minds when exposed to evidence. Science is where critical thinking and open-mindedness co-exist in harmony. Creationism/Intelligent Design are science-killers, by invoking a higher intelligence it stops you from thinking any further.

Dr. Evan HAZARD (Bemidji, US)

If creationism [intelligent design is merely creationism in disguise] succeeds, all science will ultimately die.

Dr Richard EDWARDS (UK)

As a lecturer in a Biological Sciences department of a leading University, I cannot stress strongly enough the damage that would be done to the credibility of an education system that permitted Intelligent Design (a.k.a. Creationism etc.) to be taught as science. Such views belong in a religious education class and have no place in a science class, except as examples of what is *not* science and what erroneous conclusions you can draw if you abandon the Scientific Method.

Assoc. Professor Lars Jermiin (Sydney)

Creationism and Intelligent Design (CID) rest on faith while Biology and Evolution (BE) rest on scientific discovery and hypothesis testing. Therefore, although BE and CID sometimes deal with the same question (e.g., where do we come from?), they have entirely different foundations and employs different means of answering these questions. Hence, they must be taught separately.

Prof. Jan KOZLOWSKI (Krakow, Poland)

I am sorry for Hong Kong People that pseudoscience has reached this region. Neglecting Darwinian evolution is for biology the same as neglecting thermodynamics in physics.

Dr. Ying guang Frank CHAN (Palo Alto, US)

Teaching of "intelligent design" or "creationism" is not a sign of being with the times. It's an inability to understand Science and the nature of this endeavour. Adopting the teaching of erroneous ideas just as people in the US realise their deficiencies is tantamount to adopting discarded policies of yesterday from abroad.

Mr. Gregory PEARCE

"Debating the 'Theory of Evolution' is akin to debating the 'theory' of gravity."

-- quote from the international press

Mr. Evans Lam

i respect christianity as a means of rewarding people with reassurance and clear goals in life, but Darwin's Evolution theory has already proved its use in many areas.

insisting without proof that human beings were "created" by creationism is irrational and illogical.

for the sake of our next generation, don't poison them with illogical theories.

Dr. Yiu-Kwok CHAN

In the formative years of the young student, it is essential that objectivity and rationality are emphasized in science education that facts are distinguished from fiction or personal belief, which is not verifiable as it is in the metaphysical realm. Religion, however, can be treated as part of education in philosophy.

Mr. Glen Bann (Australia)

In this day and age, with the conclusive evidence for evolution, and zero evidence for creationism or ID, or any other inane unproven religious (and/or cult like) ideas, I find it unbelievable that a so-called advanced country is teaching students such stupidity and lies. It is a great diservice to the students and tp the country in general. Wake up HK!!

Dr Jason Richard ALI

ID/Creationsim are not properly constructed scientific theories. Therefore, this is no logical argument that can be made for including one or both of them in classes which are expressly science-focused.

My 6-yr-old daughter truly believes in Santa Claus, but that doesn't mean that I would allow "Father Christmas" theory to be taught in a course dealing with transport and logisitics (there would, however, be scope for including it in course on marketing).

Hong Ki Lam

When I first heard about the new guideline on Biology, my reaction is, "is it a joke?" Sadly, it isn't. And now we must prevent Hong Kong from becoming an international laughing stock!

Mr Sean Joel CHAN

Knowledge is not democratic, and thus cannot emcompass syllogisms that are deemed inherently or deducibly fallacious. This is the same in the case of the origins of life. ESTABLISHED theories are the ones that should be taught in class, not fanciful ideas.

Prof. Robert Austin

This is the same problem that the US is having, and it could lead to the same disastrous consequences to Hong Kong education as it has in the US.

Chi Keung WONG

Religion interference in Hong Kong's civic life has become intolerable. Christian fundamentalists seem determined to impose their superstition and ignorance on Hong Kong society at large.

This worrying trend must be stopped.

Hong Kong will certainly become an international laughing stock if its educational authority allows religion inspired pseudoscience to be taught as 'alternatives' to the theory of evolution. Is that what the SAR government want?



Mr. Chung Yin LI

Please feel respect to our science and scienists. Shame on those faking Christians who are telling lies to the public. Shame on those faking Christians pollute the children's future due to their nasty selfish vision.

Mr Johnny Cheung

I afraid that Hong Kong would be as anti-intellectual as that of bible belt, that's just a shame!

Mr. Ho Ho Cheung



Mr. Yi Zheng Lu

Science and unproven religious belief should never be mixed to gather. The reason why we have people science is to have people critical, vigilant mind.

Mr. Pak Kan Lau

I am a current students who is studying overseas. I have spent more than 7 years in learning science. As the people who are in charges of education in Hong Kong, I think you should know what the consequences are for instilling misleading information to thousands of innocent students. Science is a subject emphasises on rationalism and strictly logical thinking. I sincerely hope that you can re-examine your policy on science education in order not to harm the furure of Hong Kong.

Mr. Hon Chow

Science should be based on evidence, not just imagination

Mr. Hou Tin WONG

This is something ridiculous, 1000 years ago everyone knew the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago everyone knew the earth was flat. (Men in Black) Why going back to the age of myth?


Education Bureau try to mislead our new generation with that stupid believe. It must be stopped.

Mr. Wong Kwong Yin Gary



Mr Sammy WONG




Mr. Chung Wai Wong


Mr. Siu Ki Wong

讓科學歸科學, 宗教歸宗教.

把一些信仰帶入科學中, 香港的教育冇得救了!

Mr. Tze Bun NG

It is a shame that some of these people empower others to teach pseudo science, hiding behind their position in office.

Mr. Zhihua Chen



Mr. Albert Hui

Allowing science curriculum to be poisoned by any faith-based notion goes 180-degree against the spirit of critical thinking. Curbing the religious right-wing agenda is a crucial cornerstone in the realization of education reform that the Education Bureau set itself the task of implementing.

Anonymous #205

We have enough freedom granted to religious lessons. So please do not pollute the science lessons.

Merissa ORWIG

Teaching one or the other (religious pseudo-sciences or tested and fact-based sciences) exclusively may of course call for a criticism of narrow or close-mindedness. However, if you wish to teach both, then please separate them from each other. Creationism and I.D. do not belong in the science classroom, just as Darwin's theories of evolution don't belong in the religious classroom. I am personally an atheist, but I support the right to think freely and choose one's beliefs for oneself.

Anonymous (Mr. C)

This sets a dangerous precedent for taking a backwards step towards the dark ages. HK is meant to be a world city. Have we not already embarrassed ourselves enough with the "ark" amusement park? Are we next to brainwash our children into believing in a 6000 year old earth, a flat world, and the existence of an invisble guy with a list of 10 things he doesn't want us to do? Pls put ideas like ID where they belong - with the teaching of myths and fantasy, and out of our science classes

Philip Ma

Intelligent Design has little to no evidences to support it's claims, and teaching it will also teach children not to use the proper methods of inquiry to seek out truth and knowledge. Learning evolution will not only know the best method to explain our species, it'll also teach people how to test and verify theories with evidence, the best way to understand our world.

Mr. Edward Hardisty

Science Education is a place for teaching about accepted theories of the Science community as a whole. Intelligent Design and Creationism have no place in Science as they are untestable as a theory.

Mr. Alexander Cheung

What's next? Alchemy in chemistry syllabus?

This is a major backward step, and must be reversed. Religious theory should be limited to religious classes.

Mr. Ivan Fung

Biology is a scientific discinple. Its theories are tested in experiments and can be later be challenged by ongoing invatigations. Creationism should always stay in a religious context. Its idea has no scientific value and its thinking is absolute thus not suitable to be incorporated into scientific realm.

Anonymous #645 from Canada

Science is for Science classes alone. Ideas not subject to the rigors of the Scientific method should be confined to and discussed in philosophy classes.

Anonymous #637 From Hertfordshire

I had higher expectation for a beacon of modernity, free markets and freedom like Hong Kong.

Peter McKellar

Reality is not a matter to be determined by popular vote. To teach anything other than rigorous science backed by evidence and vetted by peer review is fraudulent. Ultimately it will damage the student, the community and the nation.

Michael Gray

Superstition does not belong in science classes.Superstition does not belong in science classes.

Christopher Mugdan

It is sad to see this unscientific viewpoint seeping even into Hong Kong. I hoped for better there. Please reconsider your stance on this issue. Creationism (because that is what it is) belongs in the religious class, not the science class - if it belongs anywhere at all!

Raushan Johnson

Please don't ruin science education for the Chinese.

Dr. Chi Ming HUNG

Religion in any disguise should never be allowed to intrude into the teaching of science. Science is about facts and facts only, while Religion is about beliefs and beliefs only. The two should never mix and there can never be compromise between the two.

Mr. Sean McCanty

Evolution is the basis of modern biology. Don't dilute it with pseudoscience.

Charles Goecke

It is essential that science education remain secular, and that the true meaning of "scientific theory" not be misconstrued to mean something that is unanswered, unanswerable, or controversial. Scientific education should be kept in the hands of qualified scientists and scientific educators.

Rik Dalaet

If you want to be a scientist, you teach evolution.

Alexander Young

I am part of a research team looking at ageing science, a team that would not be possible without proper biological education, including evolution. Don't let science education standards slip, or your research standards will too.

Li Kit Ying

Religion is not science!

Anna Gaw

Hong Kong is a beacon of progress and modernity in Asia. Please do not condemn it to the religious extremism that has become so prevalent in American education.

Lily Tsui

As a former HK resident and student of the public education system in Hong Kong, I find it appalling that this has even arose as an issue of contention. Intelligent design and creationism have no place in biology curricula; at best, they qualify as artifacts to be examined in religious studies classes.

Eric MacDonald

There is no harm in teaching precursors of modern biology, but it makes little sense to teach these as acceptable alternatives to what is known. The only conceiveable reason for doing so is based on religious ideology, and there is no reason why religion should intrude into the science classroom. This should be made clear in curriculum documentation.

Tan King Tao

We need to protect our new generation.

Gordon Wolters

ID and Creationism have no place in the science classroom. It is nothing but superstitious ignorance.

Lucas Perkins

Not a citizen of Hong Kong, but I am a citizen of the world, and it the propagation of creationism and pseudo-science threatens the future of all humanity. Please take better care to teach your children the science they need to know instead of filling their heads with religious bull**s. We must all work together for the glorious future of humanity which only the proper application of science will allow.

in solidarity

Lucas Perkins

Adam Norwood

Do not let Religion discredit science, this is a travesty of truth, I hope the relevant governing bodies see sense and remove such pseudoscience from your Biology classes.

Fung Lam

Science is real. Gods are imagined. Do not confuse the facts with man-made fictions.

Malcolm Dodd

In most of the world, humankind has emerged from the dark ages of religious indoctrination into the age of science and reason; I give you my wholehearted support towards preventing Hong Kong from being dragged back to an age of ignorance.

Jeremy Coleman

"Intelligent Design vs. Evolution" is just as rationally and logically offending to reason as "Intelligent Falling vs. Gravity".

John Tate

Creationists are trying to subvert science for political reasons. They are well-funded and devious. They need to be exposed as such as often as possible, or they will fill our school-children with intellectually disabling nonsense.

Thomas Leyen

There should be no room for unscientific ideas to be thought in science class!

Monty Gaither Sr.

It is essential that religion be kept out of the public school classes, especially the science classes.

Dr. Deborah Charlesworth

In science lessons, it is important to teach science, including the evidence for conclusions. All science is taught this way, and questioning is welcomed, as showing that students are interested. Highlighting evolution for questioning is a political action that has no place in science lessons. Questioning the scientific evidence will, of course, lead students to see that the evidence for evolution is very strong, and is a normal part of biological science, as in other sciences.

Lau Wing Yu



在生物課本中,加上食肉的壞處...食肉有大量protein, 但alternative 的壞處是:







Dr. Peter Robertson

Personal belief should be personal and not be used as a barrier to evidence, fact and enquiry.

Leonard Sym

Creationism is an obscenity in the face of knowledge, education and intelligence.

Roger San

Creationism has been clearly proven to be anything but science, even in the US court rulings. Why should another leading country in the world follow them into the abyss?

Jeremy Hunt

Look around, we didn't get what we have by believing in fairy's and god's.

Anonymous #507

No CREATIONISM unless there are strong EVIDENCE (NOT the BIBLE)

Dr. Franz Depaulis

Evolution is not only a theory but a strongly evidenced fact. Darwin's natural selection is a theory (strongly supported too).

Dr. Joe Station

Please do not allow this to persist. Teach science in science classes, not religion disguised as science. We fight this in the US, where some religious groups fear that science is against them. It is not. Search on the web for the Clergy Letter Project to see the large number of churches and faiths that support the teaching of evolution without distractions of invented controversies.

Dr. James Walters

I am PhD biologist trained in Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University. I whole-heartedly support this effort to promote responsible and accurate science education.

Dr. Diana Wolf

Science classes should discuss the controversy surrounding evolution and creationism/intelligent design (ID). However, they should never present creationism/ID as a scientific theory or a scientific alternative to evolution. It is religion, and needs to be presented as religion.

Dr. Evan Hazard

If creationism [intelligent design is merely creationism in disguise] succeeds, all science will ultimately die.

Dr. Rosemary Redfield

The statement must be clarified to remove non-scientific alternatives such as creationism and intelligent design.

Dr. Yingguang Frank Chan

Teaching of "intelligent design" or "creationism" is not a sign of being with the times. It's an inability to understand Science and the nature of this endeavour. Adopting the teaching of erroneous ideas just as people in the US realise their deficiencies is tantamount to adopting discarded policies of yesterday from abroad.

Henry Hung


Evans Lam

I respect christianity as a means of rewarding people with reassurance and clear goals in life, but Darwin's Evolution theory has already proved its use in many areas. Insisting without proof that human beings were "created" by creationism is irrational and illogical.

For the sake of our next generation, don't poison them with illogical theories.

CHAN Kwun Ching

Imagine is the problem unique to religion. Everyone have the right to have their own faith, but they shld not coerce others into it.

Liz Gower

Keep myths out of science teaching

Ben Finney

The fact of evolution by natural selection is about as uncontroversial as the theory that the earth is a globe. There is simply *no* competing theory; only unsupported non-explanations.

To promote a “controversy” where none exists is pure deception, and actively harmful to education. Please give no credence to those who want fact-based science to share the stage with unscientific hogwash in children's education.

Grayson Kinnane

Religion and public education should be separate.


It is unacceptable to discuss ALL possible alternatives to a theory in science class. Only SCIENTIFIC theories, with the proper evidentiary basis, falsifiability, and so on are permissible in a science classroom. Creationism and Intelligent Design do not qualify as science and must thus be completely removed from science curricula. Discuss them in the synagogue, the church, the mosque, or the temple, but keep them OUT of biology class.

Adrian Fong

宗教可以存在, 但不可以和現代科學混為一談. 這是社會敗壞的開始.宗教是中立的, 但教會是人為的. 教會提出的理論只是一小撮教會人士的個人思想, 絕不可以和人類社會智慧成果混為一談.

Marco Chao



Alton Cheung

HK should be the front for science education of the whole China. I'm deeply disappointed when I hear this issue. Furthermore, there will be a pro-creationalist theme park opening somewhere sometime. We need to education the public of what is at stake.

Rune C. Olwen

I still prefer an ape as ancestor to a lying bishop!

Bernard Hurley

I have taught in various colleges and universities and have always been impressed by the standard of education that students from HK had received. I would hate to see anything that dilutes this. I would not like to see discussion of creationism or ID banned, and the same goes for astrology, magic pyramids and water divining, but such things have no place in a science curriculum.

Anonymous #645 from Canada

Science is for Science classes alone. Ideas not subject to the rigors of the Scientific method should be confined to and discussed in philosophy classes.

Ivan Fung

Biology is a scientific discinple. Its theories are tested in experiments and can be later be challenged by ongoing invatigations. Creationism should always stay in a religious context. Its idea has no scientific value and its thinking is absolute thus not suitable to be incorporated into scientific realm.

Nicky Yuen

本人已是一個受害者; 本人強烈反對將宗教和科學教育混淆

Charley Yeung


Pui Ka HO


Kin On Chan

There are so many Chinese traditional and religious explanations of the origins of the universe. Should we also present them as options for our children, in addition to creationism?

Yeung Yan

神創論不是科學, 不應在科學堂上教授

Leon Obrien

Teaching creationism in school will damage the intelligence of this current school generation, creationism is ignorant and unscientific, religion has contributed alot more violence and sadness to humanity than hope and charity in the past few thousand years, let's once and for all call it what it is; a tool of Ignorance and mind-control.

James Leung

In simple words, science is science and religion is religion. A mix up is inappropriate for our young generation.

Kenneth Lui

Intelligent Design is not science. It is creationism disguised to look like a scientific theory.

Shing Ming


Dr. Sun Mei of Hong Kong University

Regarding the new guidelines (June 2009): The Education Bureau needs to educate itself about "the exploration of other explanations on evolution".

Lamarckism failed to explain biological evolution. Alfred Russel Wallace is the co-discoverer of evolution by natural selection with Darwin. The modern synthesis encompasses several mechanisms of evolution, with natural selection the main evolutionary force in large populations and the best explanation for the origin of species and adaptation.

Ian J. Stones

All forms of creationism and prospective supernatural intervention, such as so called "Intelligent Design" creationism, in biology must be specifically excluded from biology education. Evolution is a "fact" supported by evolutionary genetics, the growing fossil record, genome research and biochemical origins of organic molecules. No myths or scriptures or false science should be allowed to intrude on science education.