科學書架 Bookshelf


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Books on Evolution

Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History of the Human Body

by Neil Shubin

The definitive work by Neil Shubin, the paleontologist who was in the team that discovered the transitional fossil Tiktaalik in 2004 and was featured in the PBS produced series "Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial".


The author took you through the discovery, the intriging aspect of how limbs, bones, teeth and many features in animal can be all traced to our common ancestors.

Know more from Amazon or your favourite online bookstore or local book store.

Why Evolution is True

by Jerry A. Coyne



作者:(美國)(Jonathan Howard)喬納森·霍華德譯者:趙凌霞何竹芳




Evolutionary geneticist Coyne presents an overwhelming case for evolution. Ranging from biogeography to geology, from anatomy to genetics, and from molecular biology to physiology, he demonstrates that evolutionary theory makes predictions that are consistently borne out by the data—basic requirements for a scientific theory to be valid.

Evolution: What the Fossils say and Why it Matters

By Donald R. Prothero

破解世界之謎 作者﹕方舟子


Evolution as bullwark of biology has been gravely overlooked in Hong Kong's secondary school. Most will regard evolution as just one of the topic in biology without realizing how it provides the encompassing framework for modern biology.

The author shows us how rich the fossil record has become. His goal is two-fold. First, he wants to demonstrate the wide variety of transitional forms that have been found, many within the past 20 years. Second, he aims to discredit the creationist movement.

Realizing how those fossils confirmed and confirmed evolution's predictions is a key to understand why evolution is now an undeniable fact of science.

Books on debunking Intelligent Design/Creationism

Only a Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul

By Kenneth R. Miller

Dr. Kenneth R. Miller was one of the expert witness that testified in the landmark trial at Dover Pennsylvania, and is renowned for his public service in defense of evolution and science education.

He ismantles the scientific basis of intelligent design piece by piece, and rebuts the key notions of Intelligent Design.

He also examined the consequence if Intelligent Design proponents have their way, science and society will have debilitating changes.

It shows to the reader what a sham Intelligent Design really is, and readers will realize their sinister motives.

The Counter-Creationist Handbook

By Mark Isaak

This books assembles hundreds of Creationists arguments and how to rebut them.

One essential ingredient to success in public debate is to know your opponents arguments. That idea is thoroughly reflected in this guide to the debate on creationism.

Students, teachers or even professors are often caught unprepared when a creationists presented their "arguments".

The book includes arguments in philosophy, theology, epistemology, abiogenesis, genetics, molecular biology, anatomy, cognition, behavior, botany, embryology, systematics, transitional fossils, macroevolution, geology -- including plate tectonics -- cosmology, physics, mathematics, Biblical creationism, flood geology, intelligent design -- including Dembski`s complex specified information and Behe`s irreducible complexity -- and other topics. Definitely a must have.

The latest by Dr. Richard Dawkins (author of "The God Delusion", "The Blind Watchmaker" and "The selfish Gene").

In view of the mounting attacks on evolution Dr. Dawkins explored evidences which demonstrated the validity of evolution, and debunk those misinformation spread by ID proponents.

A must read.