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眼睛的演化 (中文字幕)(血腥畫面)


審判日﹕ 裁決智慧設計不是科學 Judgment Day: Intelligent design on Trial

無線電視明珠台 TVB Pearl

The Pearl Report 2009-06-28


In the first part of the program, school principals and biology teachers of CCC Fong Yun Wah Secondary School and Kwai Chung Methodists School, Dr. David Dudgeon, Dr. Chris Beling, Dr. Kung Lap Yan, an Education Bureau official and Honoray Cyd Ho Sau-Lan (Chairperson of the LegCo Panel on Education) were interviewed about the row between Intelligent Design and Evolution. Much of the interview took place before we got the announcement from Education Bureau on their clarification.

Watch awkward look of the Education Bureau official after repeatedly asked to answer specific questions on Intelligent Design.

節目上半部份訪問了中華基督教會天水圍方潤華中學﹑葵涌循道中學的校長和生物科老師﹑港大生物學家杜德俊博士 (Dr. David Dudgeon)﹑極力主張智慧設計的物理系副教授比令博士 (Dr. Chris Beling)﹑龔立人博士﹑教育局官員和立法會教育事務委員會主席何秀蘭議員。

香港電台 RTHK

The Pulse 2009-04-04


In the second part of the program, a number of school principals, Dr. David Dudgeon of HKU were interviewed about the row over the curriculum. In the program, Education Bureau said

"Creationism is not included in the biology curriculum framework, nor is it considered as an alternative to Darwin's theory."

節目下半部份訪問了兩位校長和香港大學生物學家 Dr. David Dudgeon. 教育局還在節目中表示﹐神創論並不屬於生物科課程範圍﹐同時也不是一個另外解釋。

該片段上載在Youtube; The same video clip on YouTube


National Center for Science Education (NCSE) Channel

美國的National Center for Science Education (NCSE)頻道


Science / Evolution related educational videos 科學/演化論有關的教育性短片

YouTube is full of very good videos that explain evolution and debunks Creationism/ID. Many are from educators or even scientists.


Evolution Explained

If you prefer viewing offline, you can download the video here 如果不方便看 YouTube﹐可以去這裡下載然後放在電腦上:


How Evolution Happened

If you prefer viewing offline, you can download the video here 如果不方便看 YouTube﹐可以去這裡下載然後放在電腦上:


From Big Bang to Us - Made Easy Series

Potholer54 is a very popular YouTuber. He made these 14 short 10 minute videos to cover the birth of the Universe and everything about evolution, abiogenesis and flaws in Intelligent Design/Creationism. Suitable for Junior High students.

The whole series is now available as BitTorrent here. Anybody is free to download it and burn to a DVD and give out freely provided that you give the acknowledgements to Pothole54 of YouTube

Potholer54 是 YouTube 一位很受歡迎的用戶﹐製作了一系列14條短片﹐每條10分鐘左右﹐簡易講述目前所知宇宙起初的狀況﹐進化﹐和神創/智慧設計的謬誤﹐英語旁白﹐對象是美國初中生。系列還有BT下載﹐可以免費傳閱﹐但必須註明原作者是 YouTube的 Potholer54

系列 The series

BT 下載 BitTorrent Seed:


On the evolution, intelligent design/creationism controversy 進化論﹐智慧設計與神創論爭議

美國的 National Center for Science Education 的 Dr. Eugenie Scott 討論有關神創論的歷史

YouTube 分很多段﹐全套可在這裡觀看﹕


Dr. Eugenie Scott of National Center of Science Education talked about the controversy

In YouTube it is splitted to many clips, and the full version is here:


Disproving intelligent design with a mouse trap - Dr. Kenneth R. Miller (Brown University)


Vivid evidence from comparing human genome and those of chimpanzee, proved the evolution prediction of common descent


病毒感染細胞﹐有機會在DNA 留下痕跡﹐這裡比較了黑猩猩和人類基因中給病毒感染的痕跡﹐居然有萬多處相同

Virus infection can left marks on the DNA if the virus infected reproductive cells, and the marks got passed on. We have over 10,000 marks whic is at exactly the same position on human DNA and chimps DNA!!!

Skewed view of science 對科學的錯誤觀念


A look at the pitfalls of arguing against science from incomprehension or emotion.

Logical thinking, open-mindedness related educational videos 邏輯思維等有關的教育性短片



Open-mindedness - very often scientists, rationalists, skeptics and of course those who insist creationism/intelligent design should not be taught in science, are all being acused of being "close-minded" or "narrow-minded".

This video shows that how people miscontrued the idea of "open-mindedness", and turn it to pure gullibility and lack of critical thinking. Open-mindedness required skepticism to protect our minds from accepting non-tested, nonsense and illogical ideas.