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我們建立這個網頁的目的是要把有關這次香港高中生物科課程綱要爭議中的新聞﹑資料﹑發展記錄下來﹐並且提供資源給老師﹑家長和關心科學教育的人士參考。我們希望支持我們的立場的人加入我們的 Facebook群組﹐並且用不同形式支持我們。
2009年2月7日,南華早報報導有香港科學家投訴,教育局的新生物科課程綱要中,有關演化論的部份所用的一些字眼將導致非科學理論在科學課上傳播[1]。而報導指有多家學校是會在課堂教導神創論/智慧設計﹐作為所謂課程裡面指“另外解釋” (Other explanations), 有校長也表示會教導神創論/智慧設計。
2009年5月15日南華早報報導﹐62位包括大學教授﹑直資名校中學校長﹑老師的人﹐去信立法會教育事務委員會﹐表示新生物科課程綱要沒有問題。我們得知他們當中包括了主張教導智慧設計的港大教授比林博士 Chris Beling﹐而去信人中大教授徐國榮引用的論據﹑資料也是來自神創論陣營﹐但卻沒有向法會教育事務委員會和教育局交代這些資料的來歷﹐有誤導立法會議員和官員的嫌疑﹐我們會儘快駁斥裡面的謬誤。我們擔心偽科學的觀念會破壞香港的科學教育。
[1] 在進化論這個題目內﹐有這些字眼「除達爾文理論外,還鼓勵學生探索其他有關進化和生命起源的解釋,以展示科學知識不斷轉變的本質。」但其他課程綱要沒有類似這樣的字眼﹐對進化論有明顯針對性。
Defend the education of evolution and real sciences
We are "Concern Group for Hong Kong Science Education", a group of citizens in Hong Kong who are concerned about the science education in Hong Kong and the upcoming Biology curriculum for Hong Kong secondary schools.
This site is setup to collect related news, development, information and resources regarding this controversy over the biology curriculum for teachers, students, parents and all who are concerned with the science education in Hong Kong. If you supported our actions, please join our Facebook group, and support us in different means.
On February 7, 2009, South China Morning Post reported that Hong Kong scientists have made complaints to Education Bureau about the new biology syllabus, because some of the wordings in the part concerning evolution will lead to the teaching of non-scientific theory in science classes. [1] The Post reported that many middle schools and secondary schools will teach creationism or intelligent design as “alternative” to evolution in biology class. Some school principals also said they support the idea of teaching creationism/Intelligent Design as "alternative" to evolution in biology class.
On April 16, 2009, our group submitted our opinion paper to the LegCo Panel on Education to express our concern and urged the Education Bureau to clarify the problem statement in the Biology Curriculum, to address the remarks made by those schools and principals. South China Morning Post reported this news.
On May 15, 2009, South China Morning Post reported that 62 people, among them principals of schools, teachers, professors, scientists submitted their letter to LegCo claiming that there is no problem with the current curriculum. Among them, a professor at HKU, Chris Beling, who is known to be an Intelligent Design advocate. The speaker of the group Prof. Stephen KW Tsui (CUHK) used arguments from Creationist camp to support their position. We are very concerned that psuedoscience ideas will damage our science education. We are shocked to find a lot of misinformation and ideas from Creationists/Intelligent Design proponents organizations are used in the letter but the background of those information (i.e. pro-Creationism/Intelligent Design) was kept them away from the LegCo Panel Members and the Education Bureau. The action by the group of 62 borderlining on misrepresentation and misleading our legislature and our officials. We will issue our response promptly. Certainly we are worried that there maybe psuedoscience organizations that may compromise our science education.
We received a reply from Education Bureau in September 2009, they conceded that Creationism and Intelligent Design are not scientific alternatives to evolution, but still refues to issue notices to secondary schools about the position.
We know recently that a textbook on Biology contains contents that promotes Intelligent Design, and the book is endorsed by Education Bureau. This is the result of their incompetence and inaction. For more details please click here.
For more on the background, please click here.
To get started, click here.
[1] The words are found in the topic of evolution: "In addition to Darwin's theory, students are encouraged to explore other explanations for evolution and the origins of life, to help illustrate the dynamic nature of scientific knowledge." Nowhere else in the entire science curriculum did we find similarly worded clause. It clearly singled out Evolution for special treatment.