11/14/19 - HP Annual Meeting

Board Members in attendance: Donna, Floyd, Peg, Jason, Brian. (Blair absent and in New York City accepting a business award.)

Property Management in attendance: Shana

Donna opened the meeting and declared we have a quorum of over 50-percent.

New members of the Association introduced themselves.

The Board members introduced themselves.

Cable TV Bulk Contract - Have three legal opinions in agreement that the Board of Directors can vote to discontinue the Spectrum contract without needing to update the HOA documents, as previously believed. The Board will work to gather facts and Shana will notify Spectrum of our intentions to discontinue the contract. The Association can decide together toward the end of the contract if we would like the continue.

Motion made to approve the Minutes from last year's meeting passed without reading.

Nominations for Board Directors - Donna explained the process, terms, and voting process.

Joe Pecoraro was nominated and his nomination was accepted.

Ed Leonard was nominated and his nomination was accepted.

Peg Mazza opted not to run for re-election.

The new Board of Directors for 2020:

    • Blair Bloomston

    • Floyd Edler

    • Donna Falcone

    • Jason Fitzsimmons

    • Brian Gillen

    • Ed Leonard

    • Joe Pecoraro

Resolution on Excess Funds - Association decided to roll our surplus from 2019 forward to 2020.

Budget - The tree trimming ($5000) and sidewalks ($1500) is coming up. 2019 spending is right on track. The 2020 budget will have less expense projection for legal expenses.

Road Issue on 13th Circle - The asphalt is cracking and needs to be resurfaced. Donna explained that the Board will speak with the County. The broken road is a safety issue for those who walk across the road to get their mail.

Road Project on 9th Ave. NW - Lots of questions about details. Per Floyd, the ditch in front of Hawthorn Park will be covered. Per Donna, the 12-foot wide walking / biking path will be on the south side of the street. Concern about tree removal. Suggestion that someone on the Board (or an appointee) be sure to attend every County meeting and hearing about the project.

Street Light at 9th and 92nd - It is currently burned out. (It was working when we drove home from the meeting.)

Ditch to the West of 93rd Street - It's due to be cleaned out again. The County has done this multiple times. HP will need to get this on the County's list. Lack of flow is causing standing water and mosquito's, a safety issue.

Sidewalk Repairs - The county will make repairs to the sidewalk out front on 9th Ave. This has nothing to do with the future road improvement project.

Rental Homes - There are only two in the neighborhood that are being rented.

Lift Station - Per Floyd, it is also a weather station.

Directory - Rich Bonneau reminded everyone to please share updates on their information. Also, any opinions on including emails? Call Rich on 941-254-7648.

Meeting adjourned!