Board Meeting 10/28/2010

The Monthly Board Meeting for Hawthorn Park was held on Thursday, October 28th, 2010 at the NW Baptist Church. Here are the topics and highlights of the meeting.

Please note: These are not the official meeting minutes. The official minutes are recorded by Susan Thimmes, Property Manager, and are archived at the offices of Sentry Management.


Board of Directors:

Ray Dalto (present)

Mike Hogan (present)

Frank Maruca (present)

Mike Sandstrum (present)

Sean Simpson (present)

Pat Whitesel (present)

Sentry Management

Susan Thimmes (present)

Interested residents of Hawthorn Park: Joe & Peg Mazza, Len & Marilyn Sirotzki, George Morse, Agnes Kullmann, Tom Falcone, Jim Murray, Bob Adema, Art Stadlin


Financials -- Mike S. reported a cash position of $68.698. There are $1,735 in assessments in arrears, covering two properties. Both have liens on them. The 2010 surplus stands at $7,000, and the total surplus is $38,558. In 2010 the Association is under budget on all line items except for Legal Expenses due to the pond repair project.

Activities Fund -- Frank reported $727, no change.

Social -- The Garage Sale will be held Saturday, November 13th. It was reported that George Sinclair is handling the advertisements. The Ladies Social was not held.

Grounds -- Frank reported that he had Jaime put down weed control.

Front Entrance Sign -- Frank proposed that the lettering on the sign be painted a shade of dark red. Mike H. authorized the Grounds Committee (Frank and Ray) to select a nice shade of red and paint the sign.

Pond Repair -- Ray reported on his recent meeting with SWFWMD. Contrary to rumor, the people down at SWFWMD are actually very cordial and reasonable. Mike H. mentioned that the Board has put ZNS / Zoller Engineering on hold. Ray explained that he engaged a new engineering firm to review our situation and to discuss options with SWFWMD. We are following SWFWMD's suggestion to get a second opinion on the engineering of the project.

Swale Problems -- The new engineering firm sees problems with the swale north of Phase 2, which might be an issue next time SWFWMD inspects the swale. The Board decided to send a letter to the homeowners of lots 49 through 55 to remind them that maintenance of the swale is their responsibility, and the Homeowner Association's responsibility is to police compliance. If SWFWMD mandates remediation of that swale, the cost will be passed on to those lot owners.

2011 Budget -- The Board determine that dues can stay at $1,000 per year after all, which represents a change to the budgets already mailed out to the Association membership. Therefore the new and approved budget will be mailed out. In the new budget, Cable TV went up slightly due to a change in Sales Tax.
