Board Meeting 3/28/2013

Please note: These are not the official meeting minutes. The official minutes are recorded by the Property Manager, and are archived at the offices of Sentry Management.


Board of Directors:

Ray Dalto (present)

Mike Hogan (present)

Frank Maruca (present)

Mike Sandstrum (present)

George Sinclair (present)

Tyler Linkenhoker (not present)

Briana Francois (present)

Sentry Management:

Annabelle Newland (present)


Six interested residents of Hawthorn Park were also present.


Financial Report -- Mike Sandstrum provided these numbers: Current balance is $97,091. Assessments outstanding are $15,529. Current year is at a $975 deficit due to grounds work recently completed. The deficit was planed and is not an issue.

Manager's Report -- Annabelle reviewed the situation on three properties: 1102 91st, 1123 91st, and 9207 12th. 1102 foreclosure has settled and is now bank-owned. 1123 has sold. 9207 has sold to a 3rd party. The net impact to the Association will be the ability now to collect most of the assessments, fines, and legal fees. This is excellent news!

Social Report -- George Sinclair shared the calendar of events for 2013. Please see the calendar page on this web site.

Rental Leases -- The Board discussed the Third Amendment, which deals with our rules for homeowners who rent their homes. After discussion of details the Board approved a motion to institute new guidelines for the execution of the Third Amendment. The high points are: 1) Rental leases will not be approved until a deposit is paid equal to one year's dues. 2) If a lease is to be renewed, this must happen no less than 30-days prior to the expiration of the existing lease. 3) A lease will not be renewed until one year's dues deposit is replenished (if necessary). 4) No lease shall be approved if the homeowner is in arrears with the Association. The other requirements of the Third Amendment are still in place, such as the limit of one lease per 12-month cycle.

ARC -- Three architectural review applications were approved: Kolbe (wood deck behind pool), Perry (paint and pavers), Pierola (garage addition).

Street Lights -- A new street light is under construction at the corner of 12th and 92nd. Many thanks to Ray Dalto for making it happen.

Landscaping -- Jamie has completed the new vegetation at the front entrance. It looks great!

TV Cable Contract -- Annabelle Newland recommended that the Board begin discussing the process they plan to use to decide if the cable TV contract will be renewed at the end of 2014, since discontinuing TV in dues will require amending our legal Association documents, which will require a two-thirds vote of Homeowners. To poll all homeowners and get their signed vote, multiple methods were discussed: 1) Letter, 2) Spring Picnic, 3) Door-to-Door, 4) Phone Reminder. We may need to do all four to secure the required votes. Dave Armstrong recommended that a special meeting be called to discuss the issue.

Next Meeting -- Has not been announced. Meetings are currently held at three month intervals.