Guide: SMS-marketing checklist

Since about 96% of all mobile phone users open SMS messages within an hour, SMS-marketing is a very effective way of increasing the sales of your products or services. We have put together a list of tips and tricks concerning SMS-marketing which you can have a look at before you start your next campaign.

Keep it short and simple!

- On a mobile screen there isn't a lot of space for text, and nobody likes having to scroll through a long message, especially if it's advertisement. Therefore, keep it as short as possible. Less is more!

Mobile-friendly content!

- If you add links to your own or another company's website, make sure they are mobile-friendly. If the customer is redirected to a website suited for a computer- or tablet-screen, it will be uncomfortable to navigate and the customer will most likely leave the website right away.

Keep the offers exclusive!

- Keep in mind that the customer's holiest place is in their mobile phone. Why should they spend their precious time reading(and act on) marketing-SMS messages with content/offers that they have already received through email or is being marketed on the website/social media as well? By making sure your offers to SMS-subscribers are exclusive(for example pre-sale offers, a special discount code etc), they will want to receive additional messages in the future.

Timing is everything!

- SMS-messages which are meant to convey that "all our apples will be 50% off the 23rd of March" should be sent 1 or a maximum of 2 days before it takes place, in order for the customer to remember your campaign. If you send it out on a Monday and the discount starts on a Friday, the majority of your customers will have forgotten about it by Friday.

Restrict the number of SMS messages sent!

- Don't bombard your customers with SMS messages. Nobody enjoys an inbox filled with advertisement(especially on a small screen!), so keep it restricted. One SMS message per campaign is more than enough. Again, less is more!

Keep track of the statistics!

- To gain more clicks or interactions in your SMS messages, you should keep a close eye on the statistics of your SMS message distributions. How many people open the SMS message? What do they click on? The best way of finding that out is through our function "job statistics", which you'll find below every SMS message distribution.