
Click on Users in the menu on the left when you are logged in as Customer Admin.

All users are displayed here, divided in organizational groups if you have those.

Add users

Click on the blue "plus" to Add a user under the organizational group you want to place it.

Put the user email address in the "Email"-field

A password has been automatically generated, keep it or replace it with your own.

Use the boxes to give the user access to "SMS and/or "Fax"

Click "Add user" to save.

Observe that also any system that should be able to send SMS/fax must have its own User, a system can have an email address as User id or if the connection is via HTTP the User id can have any format (a-z, 0-9, no special characters or spaces). You can also read more here: API integrations

Handle user settings

Click the blue arrow to the left of the User id, a yellow menu and a grey dashboard is displayed.

Friendlyname - Is a description of the user, is only visible in the Users list. But also used for emails sent (electronic signatures for instance).

Country Code - this is the users default country code if not specified

Language - this is the language for reports and notifications to the user

Services (SMS/Fax) - Click here and give or remove access to the services for this user.

SMS settings - the users personal settings for sending SMS. You can read about the alternatives here.

Fax settings - the users personal settings for sending Fax. You can read about the alternatives here.

Organizational belonging - here you can change the users placement in the organizational structure

Access - put another users email here and he has administrative rights to this user

Email Alias - Add any external email addresses that should be able to access the SMS/Fax services through this user. Any messages is sent with the Users settings.

Change password - Give the user a new password and click Save. The new password is NOT automatically sent to the user.

Toolbox - a link that opens the users Toolbox in a new window

Add number - add or remove numbers connected to this user

Resources - all address books, public email addresses and numbers and access to their settings

Logs - all real time logs related to this user

Statistics - all statistics related to this user, updated every 6 hours

Delete User - Click here when you want to remove the user.

Notes: Your notes about this user, only visible in the Users list.

Handle account settings

Click the blue arrow in front of the name of the root in the user structure to open the menu.


Under Contact you can put information about who is the administrator of the account. Mainly this information is for internal use, when your account are set as Administered this information is forwarded to the user that is trying to send eSMS or eFax. This is provided that the domain used are the same as in your email.

SMS Settings

This is the standard settings for the account, new users get these settings by default. Here you can read about the different alternatives.

Fax Coverpage

This is the standard settings for the account, new users get these settings by default. Here you can read about the different alternatives.

Access / Administrators

This is where you manage the administrative access to the account. Any user email you set here will have administrative access to the account. At this top level the access is for the entire account and all the sub levels, you can also give access to lower levels and the user will only have access to that level and any level under that.