Statistics - all traffic

These statistics shows all traffic on the account. Traffic is divided into categories such as Sent, Received, SMS/MMS Reply, Broadcast and Job Received.

You can make searches by day, week or month, by default current day is displayed. Click +/- beside each alternative to jump forward or back, or typ your own parameters.

Please note that the first box is "from" and the second is "to". To view statistics for the date 2013-07-25 you will have to search for dates as below.

Click the +-character in front of each category to see more details, as below.

Traffic is displayed as total and per user, thereafter countrycode and error.


The number of requests/messages/number of emails sent to us.


The number of requests/messages/number of emails sent to us, that has passed our primary control for number formats and so on. These messages has been converted and sent out. The difference between Count and Sent is called Blocked messages, they are invoiced separately.

SMS parts

According to the SMS protocol, one textmessage can only contain 160 characters. If the sent message is longer than that, we divide it into multiple parts automatically and sends them to the receipient. Most modern phones will collect the parts to a single message when delivered to the handset.

This is the number of messages that correlates to your invoice.


This is the number of messages from the column Sent, that we have received delivery report on. They are reported by the phone as delivered.


This is the number of messages from the column Sent, that we have received an error report for. They are for some reason reported impossible to deliver at this moment. This could be a temporary or a permanent error.

Awaits report

This is the number of messages fron the column Sent that we have not yet received any reports for. There are a number of retries depending on the deliveryproblem before a messages is reported as failed, in some cases retries can be made for up to 72 hours.

In some cases there is possible to set a shorter validity time, to make the retries stop sooner.

Fax pages delivered

This is the number of fax pages actually delivered, this is the number that correlates to your invoice for sent pages.