Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement (84113)
Grade 10th, 11th, 12th
Length Semester
Credit CTE
Fees $12
Course covers the theories, principles, and techniques of developing, administering, and managing services for the safety and protection of citizens and property. A detailed look at the court system, corrections, and law enforcement agencies.
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CJ 1010 WSU (84115)
Grade 11th, 12th
Length Semester
Credit CTE WSU CJ 1010 3 credits
Fees None
WSU CJ1010 - A complete study of the criminal justice system, including: courts, corrections, and law enforcement. The class will study how each of these systems impacts our daily lives. The students will be exposed to guest speakers, a field trip to the Utah State Prison, and a courtroom. The class is approved by the NCAA Clearinghouse. Concurrent enrollment offered through WSU
Criminal Justice 1010 is a General Education Course and requires that the students will learn and prove that they have writing, oral, or graphic communication skills. Students will also learn social science approaches to studying and understanding human behavior. As a result of this class, students should be able to explain the basic elements and operations of a socio-cultural system and apply a social science perspective to a particular issue and identify factors impacting change i.e. Community Policing and Crime Prevention skills and how the system has worked both in the past or present. This class will give the students a chance to study briefly many aspects of the Criminal Justice System.
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