Health Sciences

Introduction to Health Sciences (47110)

 Grade 10th, 11th, 12th

Length Year

Credit Health 0.5 & CTE 0.5

Fees $10


This class will explore health and medical careers in addition to the study of health and Human Bio. Class enrollment recommended for 10th graders. Must complete full year class to receive health credit.

This full-year course is designed to create an awareness of career possibilities in health care and inform students of the educational options available for health science and health technology programs. Instruction includes beginning anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, medical ethics, diseases, and disorders. The course prepares students for the Medical Anatomy and Physiology course and/or for a variety of health technology programs. Completion of the full year is required to earn both HE and CTE credit.

Medical Anatomy and Physiology (47380)

 Grade 11th, 12th

Length Year

Credit CTE or Science

Fees $10


This is a hands-on Anatomy and Physiology course with a medical emphasis. An in-depth approach to the human body and how it works. Successful completion of Intro to Health Science or Biology recommended before enrollment. Students are encouraged to take HTHS 1101: Medical Terminology along with MAP!

This full-year course provides students with an in-depth study of healthcare careers including actual clinical experience in a variety of areas. Instruction includes intermediate anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, diseases and disorders, medical ethics and first aid. The class is designed to prepare students for the Advanced Health Science course and/or for a variety of health technology programs.


Intro Health Science or Biology completion recommended

Certified Nurse Assistant (47315)

Grade 11th, 12th

Length Semester (2-hr block)

Credit CTE

Fees $85 testing fee; $10 class fee


Must be 16 years old; seasonal flu vaccination; blood pressure cuff & stethoscope


The Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) course is a state approved hands-on entry level nursing course that may lead to CNA certification. The class covers a broad range of topics ranging from how to bathe a patient to positioning a patient properly. You will learn basic nursing skills such as activities of daily living (ADLs), vital signs, and understanding patient's rights. The class includes clinical time (24 hours) at a long term care facility. You will have the opportunity during clinical time to apply the skills you will learn during your lecture and skills training. The certification exam will be taken upon completion of the course. Completion of this course and CNA certification will prepare you for employment in the nursing field and/or higher education. It is recommended that Medical Terminology be taken prior to the CNA course.

An educational program that prepares individuals to perform routine nursing-related services to patients in hospitals or long-term care facilities under the training and supervision of a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse.


Recommended completion of Medical Terminology & MAP

Emergency Medical Response (47270CE)

Grade 11th, 12th

Length Semester

Credit CTE  WSU AT 2300 3 credits

Fees $10 plus mask


This course follows American Red Cross standards for professional rescuers. Students can earn CPR and emergency medical response certificates. Hands-on skills class.


WSU credit 11th, 12th

Exercise Science Sports Medicine (47350)

Grade 11th, 12th

Length Year

Credit CTE  WSU AT 2175 3 credits

Fees $10


WSU AT 2175 - This full-year course is designed to teach students components of exercise science/sports medicine; including exploration of therapeutic careers, medical terminology, anatomy and physiology, first aid, injury prevention principles, the healing process, rehabilitation techniques, therapeutic modalities, sport nutrition, sport psychology, and performance enhancement philosophies.

Course studies Sports Medicine and Athletic Training topics and issues. Injury prevention, taping, injury management, sports nutrition, sports psychology, rehabilitation and performance enhancement are covered. 


Recommended completion of Intro to Health Science or MAP

HTHS 1101 Medical Terminology CE (47360)

Grade 11th, 12th

Length Semester

Credit CTE  WSU HTHS 1101 2 credits

Fees WSU Book


Study the language of Medicine and Health Care Professionals (word roots, prefixes, suffixes). Students will earn 2 semester hours of WSU credit. Intro to Health Science or Biology completion recommended. Taking this class with MAP is highly encouraged!

WSU HTHS 1101 (pure class) - A one-semester course that helps students understand the Greek- and Latin-based language of medicine and healthcare. Emphasis is placed upon word roots, suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations, symbols, anatomical terms, and terms associated with movements of the human body. This course also stresses the proper pronunciation, spelling, and usage of medical terminology. This class is helpful to anyone considering going in the healthcare field.


WSU credit 11,12

HTHS 1110 WSU and HTHS 1111 WSU (47480 & 47482)

Grade 12th

Length Each class is a Semester (2-hour block)

Credit CTE or 3rd year Science  WSU HTHS 1110 4 credits & WSU HTHS 1111 4 credits

Fee $24+ Visible Body Courseware; $15 optional printed study guide (students have free access to the digital version); $10 lab fee


This full year course earns up to 8 WSU credits (4 for HTHS 1110 & 4 for HTHS 1111). This course fulfills WSU's Life Sciences requirement, Biomedical Core requirement, and it's a prerequisite Anatomy & Physiology course for all Allied Health Professions. This course teaches the fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology that are required for further studies in Nursing, Athletic Training, Medical School, Allied Health, and related disciplines. It's an integrated approach to the basic concepts of chemistry, cells, microbiology, human anatomy and physiology. Class is taught one period every day. Earns 2.0 CTE credit.

WSU HTHS 1110 - Must also enroll in 47482 - An advanced health science course that is taught through Weber State University as a Concurrent Enrollment class. This course is a college Anatomy and Physiology course that is taught via EdNet and is broadcast into the individual classrooms from Weber State University.

WSU HTHS 1111 - Must also enroll in 47480 - Integrated Human Anatomy and Physiology II is the second semester of a two-semester anatomy and physiology sequence that focuses on the structure and function of the human body. Course module topics include: the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular (blood), cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels), respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive body systems. Laboratory sessions serve to enhance the lectures through discussions, data analysis, hands-on activities, and activities utilizing cadaver specimens and interactive digital cadaver technology. Prerequisite: HTHS 1110 with a grade of C or better.


WSU credit. Completion of MAP strongly recommended. Up to 8 WSU credits. Completion/enrollment in Medical Terminology highly recommended.