College / Career Search and Helpful Resources

All MVHS students have access to a personal

Things you can do with your CCGI account:

      • Match interests and skills to post-secondary college and career opportunities

      • Take career assessments and use search tools to develop:

          • college, major, and career lists

          • write goals and journals

          • track activities

      • Launch Cal State Apply, CCCApply, and FAFSA


Coming up with and narrowing down your college list is one of the most important parts of the college application process.

A will complied college list will consist of RESEARCHED colleges YOU want to attend and will result in a more compelling application

Preview the video to the right and review the information below for further information

Your college list should consist, on average, of 7-10 submitted applications.


(3 Applications)

Your academic credentials fall in the lower end, or even below, the school's average range for students accepted. Dream schools are long-shots, but they should still be possible. Don't let the sticker price of a financial reach school scare you off! Financial need, academic strength, and a college's desire to have you on campus can all influence your financial aid award and make the cost of attendance more manageable.


(3 Applications)

A match school is one where your academic credentials (grades, SAT or ACT scores, and class rank) fall well within the school's average range for the most recently accepted class. There are no guarantees, but it's not unreasonable to expect to be accepted to several of your match schools.


(3 Applications)

A safety school is one where your academic credentials exceed the school's range for the average freshman. You should be reasonably certain that you will be admitted to your safety schools. These should also be colleges you'd be happy to attend. In addition to admissions criteria, it's a good idea to think about financial aid when creating your list of safety schools - make sure there is at least one school that you know your family can afford on that list.

College Prep & Application Resource

Open, make a copy of the document and save in your Google Drive

Open, make a copy of the document and save in your Google Drive



Definitions of Admission Options

Finding the Perfect College.pdf

Finding the Perfect College

Campus Visit Checklist.pdf

Campus Visit Checklist


College Fair Checklist

College Essay.pdf

College Essay


Last Updated 10.26.21 - CP