Physical Education

The Mission Vista Physical Education Department is committed to offering a rigorous, challenging, comprehensive and all-inclusive program that promotes fitness and overall wellness. Although the skills and course descriptions of each of our classes may be different they will all include the following components of fitness: Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, coordination, stamina, accuracy and balance. Please follow this link to access the PE Homepage:

Kinesiology 1 (P101)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: KINS PE1)

Grade Level: 9

Prerequisite: None

Functional fitness focused on honing physical skills, athletic tasks, and enhancing energy systems. Increasing work capacity and discipline across multiple modalities. Group interaction, problem-solving, and growth mindset required! An overall introduction and application to fit living.

*State mandated fitness testing participation.

Fitness & Weights

PE Beginning Fitness and Weights (P125)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Beg Sit/Wts)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1

Prerequisite: None

If you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just want to look and feel better, then this is the class for you. 

In this class, you will discover how to gain skills in weight training, Crossfit, functional training, flexibility and nutrition You will also create a personal fitness plan.

This class will empower you to make real choices that will ignite you and your peers to maintain a healthy lifestyle

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." - Yoda, Jedi Master


PE Intermediate Fitness and Weights (P135)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Int Fit/Wts)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1

Prerequisite: PE Beginning Fitness and Weights or teacher recommendation

Do you want to make some gains? This is where you begin

If you are looking to explore mid-level weight resistance techniques, engage in vigorous cardiorespiratory exercises and design a fitness plan. This is the course for you.

This class will challenge you to build habits that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


PE Advanced Fitness and Weights (P140)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Adv Fit/Wts)

Grade Level: 10-12

Prerequisite: PE Intermediate Fitness and Weights or teacher recommendation

Do you want to make some gains? This is where you begin

If you are looking to explore mid-level weight resistance techniques, engage in vigorous cardio-respiratory exercises and design a fitness plan. This is the course for you.

This class will challenge you to build habits that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle

P135 Int. Weights.mp4
P140 Adv. Weights.mp4


P.E. Team Sports (P150)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Team Sports)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion ofKinesiology 1

Prerequisite: None

Are you a team player? Have you heard the expression:"Together Everyone Achieves More!

Team Sports is the class for you!

This class may include but not limited to activities like volleyball, badminton, pickle-ball, soccer, basketball, floor hockey, and team handball


Aerobics (P208)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Aerobics)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1     

Prerequisite: None

Build a foundation of fitness to improve your quality of life.  By taking this course, you will improve your cardiovascular endurance through a variety of aerobic exercises centered on rhythmic or beginning dance movements.  Previous dance skills are not required!  These exercises will include but will not be limited to “Jazzercise”, “Zumba”, kick-boxing, cardio, plyometrics, cardio abs, “Insanity/Tae Bo”, step training, interval training, and circuit training.  This class is intended to increase your cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility in a fun and unique way to music.


PE Fitness (P580)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Fitness)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1     

Prerequisite: None

Do you want to be Fortior, Robustior, and Celerior? If you do, this class is for you.

This class  will motivate you to  be Stronger, Fitter, and Faster  You will incorporate  all aspects of fitness including the 10 general physical skills (cardiorespiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy) and metabolic conditioning including, but not limited to High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)  

You will be able to assess your performance in different exercise related tasks to improve and maintain your overall health.


PE Yoga (P410)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Yoga)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1

Prerequisite: None

By taking this course, you will be introduced to the basics of yoga as a lifelong fitness activity, very close to what would be seen in a regular yoga studio. Yoga is a form of exercise that focuses on the integration of body, mind, and breath while practicing a variety of physical yoga postures and movement sequences. You will learn basic posture, breathing, balance, and relaxation techniques while learning motor skills and cognitive knowledge related to beginning, intermediate, and advanced yoga poses. This class will also integrate the foundational needed for physical fitness that encompasses CrossFit training, cardiorespiratory endurance, and strength in addition to the benefits seen with a regular yoga practice.


Athletic PE (P201 & P202)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Athl Fall & PE Athl Spr)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1

Prerequisite: Varsity Athlete with Approval

Varsity athletes complement their on/off-season training programs with sport-specific exercise and skill acquisition. Investigate and prepare for NCAA requirements in both athletics and academics.

*Offered 4th period only.


Independent Study PE (P020)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: IndStdy PE)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1

Prerequisite: Application Approval

Only elite athletes are eligible for Independent Study PE. The sport the ISPE student excels in cannot be offered at the high schools. Students requesting enrollment for Independent Study PE should complete the form with their site administrator and/or Athletic Director. The approved forms will be sent to the District Coordinator of Independent Study PE for final approval. Students in the ISPE Program must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, or they will be transferred to an on-campus PE class.

PE Dance

P.E. Beginning Dance (P170)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: PE Beg Dance)

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1     

Prerequisite: None

PE Beginning Dance is a course that is designed for students who are interested in learning more about social dance and fitness. The class will focus on principles of body movement, fitness, and wellness. The course will also cover multiple types of social dancing such as: Line dancing, Square Dancing, Contra Dancing, Samba, Salsa, Zumba, 1940's dance styles such as Charleston and Lindy-hop, Swing Dance, and Hip-hop. The course objectives are to develop and maintain knowledge and levels of fitness while practicing step sequencing, coordination, rhythm, and cultural traditions. The students will understand how social dancing is used in culture and how to apply it in social settings. This course is a Physical Education course and students should expect the same level of physical fitness intensity that is in all PE course offerings in our PE program.


New Course Proposals for 2024-2025

Yoga for Wellness (P415)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: Yoga for Wellness)

Elective Credit ONLY No PE credit awarded 

Grade Level: 10-12, or 9 after completion of Kinesiology 1     

Prerequisite: None

Pending approval for UC/CSU "G" requirement

This class is focused on daily yoga practice that fosters lifelong healthy movement. With a strong

focus on wellness, encompassing both physical and mental health, students will explore the process of identifying personal stressors and implementing stress reduction techniques. Through the practice of self-study, students will develop the skills to evaluate and reflect on themselves with a positive perspective. This class empowers students with the knowledge and tools needed for continuing their journey with mental and physical health, facilitating a lifelong commitment to overall wellness.


Last Updated 1.23.24 CP