Palomar Dual Enrollment

Vista Unified School District and Palomar College have teamed up to offer college course FREE of charge to high school student!

What is Dual Enrollment? 

College courses taught by college faculty for college credit on our high school campus.

Why take Dual Enrollment courses? 

Explore courses, majors, and careers while earning credit towards certificates, degrees, and transfer goals. 

Who should enroll? 

Students interested in the available classes can enroll, and also access the FREE tutoring, library, and other support services available to all Palomar College students. 

What is the cost of Dual Enrollment? 

Courses, textbooks, and materials are FREE to Dual Enrollment students. 

Is there an additional test or requirements to earn credit, like AP classes? 

Students earn college credit as long as they pass the course with a C or higher. There is no additional test a student has to take outside of the college coursework. 

See Mrs. Parli for more information, 


Proposed New Elective For 2024-2025

Counseling 110 College Success Skills (DEC110)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: DE COUN 110)

Prerequisite: Must register as a student with Palomar College and complete the Special Admission Approval From

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

COUN 110 is CSU and UC transferable

Provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to reach their educational goals. Topics include academic learning strategies, college and life skills, diversity awareness and assessment of personal characteristics related to educational success. The role of race, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation and age in higher education and personal identity is a central theme of the course.  

At the completion of this course, you will be able to:


Counseling 148 Stress Management & Well Being  (DEC148)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: DE COUN 148)

Grade Level: 11 - 12

Prerequisite: Must register as a student with Palomar College and complete the Special Admission Approval From

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

COUN 148 is CSU and UC transferable

This course investigates the sociological, physiological, and psychological sources of stress and wellness across the lifespan. An examination of how the mind-body relationship is affected by personality, thoughts, life events, and messages received from one’s culture, family, and society will be studied. Students learn mindfulness and stress reduction techniques that resolve stress and anxiety physically, energetically, emotionally, cognitively, socially, and behaviorally. 

Last Updated 1.22.24 CP