College Preparation & Leadership Electives



Associated Student Body (ASB)

ASB Application Required

ASB Leadership  (N120)

Students will be placed in proper level based on terms of enrollment 

Application Required

Prerequisite: Application and teacher approval required.

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

This course develops student leadership skills, public speaking, life skills, and service through instruction and school wide and community activities and involvement. As an academic class, students will be required to submit work and demonstrate a working knowledge of class topics and skills. Students will participate in business and financial planning, scheduling, marketing, advertising and event planning, in addition to parliamentary procedure, democratic voting, and aspects of student government.

Link Crew (N705)

Grade Level: 11-12 

Application Required

Prerequisite: Application and teacher approval required.

Course does NOT meet a UC/CSU A-G requirement

The purpose of Link Crew is to tap into students' leadership potential, in order to contribute to a positive transition to high school for incoming 9th-grade students. Link Crew students will be trained to act as team leaders, motivators, role models, and peer facilitators who provide support to their freshmen "crew" throughout the year. The course includes a focus on increasing the sense of community on campus, an improvement in the school's learning and social climates, and ensuring a successful transition for incoming freshmen students into high school. The Link Crew course provides time to design and implement connections for current freshmen through both academic and social follow-up and to learn valuable leadership skills through a variety of classroom activities.




Advancement Via Individual Determination  (AVID)


AVID 9 (N109)

Grade Level: 9

Prerequisite: 2.0 GPA Minimum

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective class for students who are college-bound. The AVID curriculum focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR) through the AVID High School curriculum in both teacher and tutor-led activities. While concurrently enrolled in a college-prep course of study, students learn strategies to enhance success to prepare them to meet the UC A-G college entrance requirements. Note-taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test-taking, strategies, and self-awareness are stressed. In addition, the course includes college motivational activities and intensive preparation for SAT. The course also fulfills the California state requirement for Health during the second semester of the course. 


AVID 10 (N110)

Grade Level: 10

Application Required for new students

Prerequisite: 2.0 GPA Minimum

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is an elective class for students who are college-bound. The AVID curriculum focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading (WICOR) through the AVID High School curriculum in both teacher and tutor-led activities. While concurrently enrolled in a college-prep course of study, students learn strategies to enhance success to prepare them to meet the UC A-G college entrance requirements. Note-taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test-taking, strategies, and self-awareness are stressed. In addition, the course includes college motivational activities and intensive preparation for SAT.


AVID 11 (N111)

Grade Level: 11

Application Required for new students

Prerequisite: 2.0 GPA Minimum

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

The AVID Seminar for the junior and senior years prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges by emphasizing analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, college study skills, oral language development, note- taking, and research. Seminar students are expected to participate in, and eventually act as moderators for, Socratic Seminars, philosophical chairs, and peer tutors in their senior year. In addition, students are required to make oral presentations to the class on topics related to career searches, contemporary issues, and social concerns, all the while focusing on a culminating senior paper, portfolio, and/or project.


AVID 12 (N112)

Grade Level: 12

Prerequisite: 2.0 GPA Minimum

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

The AVID Seminar for the junior and senior years prepares students for entrance into four-year colleges by emphasizing analytical writing, preparation for college entrance and placement exams, college study skills, oral language development, note- taking, and research. Seminar students are expected to participate in, and eventually act as moderators for, Socratic Seminars, philosophical chairs, and peer tutors in their senior year. In addition, students are required to make oral presentations to the class on topics related to career searches, contemporary issues, and social concerns, all the while focusing on a culminating senior paper, portfolio, and/or project.


College Application Seminar (N242)

(Abbr. Transcript Title: College App Sem)

Grade: 12

Prerequisite: Minimum of a 2.5 Academic GPA and applying to 4-year college's for Fall after senior year

Course meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

The College Application Seminar class is dedicated to helping students create the best college application possible and preparing students for the transition to college. Students will have time to research colleges, explore majors and careers, fill out applications, and find money and scholarships to pay for college. Students will be able to get any questions about applying to college answered, such as how to respond to college application questions, how to make yourself look like an attractive applicant, and how to write the best college essay possible. The second half of the course will focus on handling roommates, time management, study skills, and finances for the first year college student. As well, the course will help with housing applications and choosing the best fit school for when you are accepted to more than one college. This is a great class to take if you want to get ahead on your college applications, or if you feel like you would need some assistance when filling out applications.


Freshman Seminar (N139)

Grade Level: 9

Meets the UC/CSU "G" requirement

Freshman Seminar is required for all MVHS freshmen. It's a year-long course that focuses on the academic, technological, social, and emotional skills that are important to a student's transition and connectedness to high school. Cross-curricular study skills, the use of personalized learning, accountability, positive relationships, goal setting, and evaluating potential college and career paths will be infused throughout the course. The course also fulfills the California state requirement for Health during the second semester of the course.


Senior Capstone (My Vision Personalized "M.V.P") (N912)

Grade Level: 12 

Application Required

Prerequisite: Student application including Project Proposal and Project Pacing Calendar.

Course does NOT meet a UC/CSU A-G requirement

My Vision Personalized is an opportunity for students at MVHS to explore a field of study that interests them, as well as design and create a year-long project under their chosen field of study. Projects may include writing a novel, designing a video game, creating a school-wide program, etc. Whatever project students decide upon, this course provides them with a unique opportunity to pursue something they are passionate about and where they are the driving force in creating something they care about deeply. 

Copy of Capstone Promotional Draft 3.mp4


TA - Peer Counseling (N224)

Grade Level: 11-12

Application Required

Prerequisite: Application and teacher approval required.

The Peer Counseling program is designed to teach the process of helping another person through peer assistance leadership. Students will enter into one-to-one helping relationships, assume leadership roles, discuss leadership roles, advise, tutor, participate in public speaking, peer counseling, conflict management, peer mediation, team building and in other interpersonal helping roles. This course may be repeated for credit.

Last Updated 1.23.24 CP