Paige Agostini


Syracuse, NY

Class of 2025

Chemical Engineering

WPI has given me the invaluable experience of being both a leader and a helper. The leadership roles I have taken on have shown me what it takes to start a project from the ground up, while helping other people with their projects has shown me how much I have to learn from my peers. What I love about WPI most is the combination of work and play; some of my best friends I have worked so hard with as we continue to watch each other work and grow. 

Community Garden Subcommittee Chair

With the help of so many amazing volunteers, we were able to open the community garden on WPI's campus! We hope to highlight environmental justice, food equity and sustainability.

Sustainability Intern

Under the Office of Sustainability, I continue to help the univeristy reach its sustainability goals, connect with students about sustainability issues, and portray the image of sustainability on WPI's campus.

Outing Club Officer at Large

I love the outdoors! Being an officer at large has given me more freedom to lead hiking trips, and encourgaes me to try new things, such as climbing!

Club Rugby

Club Rugby has been a great opportuntiy to try sonething new! I love the sense of community it gives me, and the dedication that the team has to the sport.

Chemistry Lab TA

As a chemistry lab TA, I try to foster a love of learning (and pass off my passion for chemistry) to students of CH1010

Summer Research

I spent the summer at Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY researching the electrochemical reduction of nitrate in groundwater. My work has encouraged me to explore environmental remediation as a career path