Giampaolo Maneri

Pronouns: he/him

Hometown: Italy/Venezuela/Panama

Class of 2026

Major: Computer Science

I'm Giampaolo, an international first-year student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), originally from Italy but raised in Venezuela and Panama. I'm pursuing a degree in Computer Science. From a young age, I developed a keen interest in electronics, programming, and robotics. This excitement and skills led me to participate and win the Panamanian National Robotics Olympiad in 2019. I've also collaborated with Fundesteam to create educational programming, electronics and robotics content. Currently, I serve as the Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of "Universal Education Initiative," working to improve access to education in developing countries with the support of WPI Business Lab advisors and fellow students. I thrive on new challenges and am known for my adaptability in diverse environments.