Anna Kelly

Hometown: Winchester, MA

Class of 2026

Electrical and Computer Engineering BS

At WPI, I love being part of a community that fosters collaboration and learning in all aspects of campus. I have been able to pursue exciting academic and extracurricular involvements through my Electrical Engineering classes and independent projects. The ease of getting involved on campus has allowed me to grow as a leader, team-member, and friend in addition to being a student. If you have any questions about WPI, Electrical Engineering, or need some Worcester food recommendations please reach out!

BS Electrical and Computer Engineering

I built this audio amplifier in one of my Electrical Engineering Labs and tested it with the Mission Impossible Theme song.

Bionics Club Social Media Chair

The Bionics Club designs and builds accessible prosthetics and bionic mechanisms. I work on managing electronic components and promoting the club online.

Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

The WECE community supports women studying ECE through professional networking, workshops, and bonding events. We even have a lounge on campus.

Outing Club

The Outing Club has lots of opportunities for students to be active outdoors. I especially love rock climbing and hiking.