Austrian government in bizarre move against its own citizens
by David Linden
In a bizarre move that appears to defy common sense, the government of Austria has today implemented a lockdown of unvaccinated citizens.
Beyond - as seems most likely at this stage - bullying the unvaccinated third of the population into getting vaccinated, the move has left many observers mystified as to what the government of that country hopes to achieve.
There is little doubt however that it comprises a clear admission that the experimental Covid vaccines do not work.
This comes at a time when adverse reaction and deaths from the Cov19 vaccines are skyrocketing. This compounds the government's difficulties and worsens evaporating public confidence as the government is now in a position of trying to force on its populace vaccines that are not only less safe than the bug they purport to handle but don't work either!
The current measure, might help some unvaccinated people avoid catching an infection, yet the infection is mild for the vast majority and clearly not a worry to them.
It is already established that the vaccinated can still get infected and infect others - and indeed they appear to be falling more ill than the unvaccinated - so the new lockdown appears intended to leave the vaccinated free to go on infecting one another. This of course makes no sense unless one believes the government is trying to harm or kill the vaccinated.
If the vaccines actually worked and conferred immunity the way successful vaccines have done in the past, then locking down the unvaccinated would serve no purpose in terms of safeguarding the vaccinated because, being vaccinated, they would have nothing to worry about.
But in the context of the current vaccines, which have catastrophically failed to do what we were promised they would do (a strong case for a fraud investigation?) the vaccinated do have a great deal to worry about. Yet the Austrian government has not geared its lockdown to safeguard them from infection.
Many observers are taking this latest move as a sign that the government has lost the plot and is now seriously floundering in its efforts to get the entire citizenry injected with these experimental biochemical agents.
The motives behind its determination to inject every citizen - intense to the point of outright coercion - remains a mystery given that Covd19 is a mild illness for the vast majority and little or no threat to anyone except the very old, or obese or otherwise dangerously frail. Many commentators surmise that darker, hidden motives must be at work.
The effort to protect the unvaccinated from this relatively non-threatening bug, if such this be, also makes little sense in light of the fact that a great many of the unvaccinated are more robustly immune by reason of prior infection.
After nearly two years, one wonders how many are left amongst the unvaccinated who are not now naturally immune
The Vaccine Cult setting the Austrian government's bizarre policies has thus far been unable to present a sensible explanation for its latest move against its own citizens.