Pressure mounts for government to come clean over suppressed COVID cures

Miscreants to be brought to justice?

by Mike Lords

The government came under fire today for what is being seen by many as a malicious withholding of remedies that could have saved tens of thousands of lives.

Many observers contend that had known remedies not been ignored, we would have averted the entire so-called "COVID Terror attack" that has left the country impoverished and virtually stripped of democratic governance.

In the popular UK Reloaded a scathing condemnation by the writer Fabian Ubiquitus of what is seen by many as outright skulduggery by the vaccine faction, pointed out that:

"This has been a fabricated crisis on may levels, not least of which is the withholding from the people of safe, highly effective remedies. If you have lost someone to Covid19 or you lose someone in the future, remember the chances are close to 100% that these known treatments could have saved them. And remember who was responsible for making sure they did not get the treatments that would have saved them. "

The suppressed treatments referred to are, among others, Ivermectin and Vitamin D which according to reports from the many front-line medics using them, are achieving in excess of 80% results in terms of prevention, alleviation of symptoms and fatalities. These hands-on observations are nows backed by many studies that confirm what the doctors have been saying for some considerable time.

Fascinating video: Dr Ryan Cole briefing on Ivermectin and vitamin D

What many people are only now becoming aware of thanks to collusion between the Vaccine Faction and the corporate media to keep it quiet, is that COVID 19 has been from the beginning a very treatable bug with the results achievable with Ivermectin and Vitamin D known virtually from the outset.

Yet these successful, cheap and safe remedies were suppressed by the government as they would have meant no Covid Terror, no lockdowns and no "emergency" to justify suppressive measures against the citizenry - and they would have rendered the experimental and highly profitable vaccines and pseudo vaccines being recklessly rushed onto the market superfluous.

This has resulted in, per government stats, thousands of deaths that need not have happened. And if the needless experimental "vaccines" cause the long-term health issues many virologists and other experts are predicting, there are thousands more to come when the dust settles on this degraded escapade.

It is believed by many observers that keeping quiet about or actively suppressing the remedies has cost as many as a eighty thousand lives in the UK already, although the numbers are contentious with some claiming the figure is much higher.

A s one observer, who wishes to remain anonymous, told this reporter:

"The government has known about these cures since the beginning and decided to stifle them because it had other fish to fry than safeguarding the health of the nation. In my view, Johnson, Hancock and the rest of the gang made the decision - or had it made for them - to withhold the cures and let people die because it suited their purpose of maintaining the illusion of a killer epidemic. These people have blood on their hands and must be brought to justice."

Fortunately, awareness of the efficacy of Ivermectin is growing with administrations less hostile to the wellbeing of their citizens beginning to adopt or recommend it .

The sheer weight of evidence in its favour allied to the persistence of many brave doctors has begun to roll back the disingenuous effort to discredit and suppress it.

We look forward to the day when government ceases to contrive a neglect that is killing many of their citizens.

Read More

UK :Study shows anti-parasitic drug ivermectin kills coronavirus within 48 hours

India: Ivermectin — UP govt directs use of new drug to treat coronavirus instead of HCQ

Zimbabwe: Zim doctors push for Ivermectin in Covid-19 treatment

Portugal: Portuguese doctors support Ivermectin to treat early signs of Covid-19

UK Ivermectin: yet another plea from a medic to be allowed to help people

USA: Deadly Negligence: (Video briefing from Dr Pierre Kory)