Blueprint for tomorrow – a draft Manifesto
by Fabian Ubiquitus
This is a DRAFT. It needs a lot more work. I am putting it up to (I hope) garner some feedback.
This started as a hypothetical exercise to try to work out what policies a government would come up with if those manning it TRULY gave a crap about the people, were not looking to aggrandise themselves or look after some vested interest or other.
The most striking thing is that it is not complex or hard if you or not up to no good. The "natural law" of governance that the degree of complexity is directly proportional to the degree of skulduggery applies.
We certainly need to look to the future of a better civilisation and in order to bring that about have a bit of a rethink on this business of government that gets so many of us into trouble.
So I thought I would have a go. Here is a preliminary effort that will doubtless be revised and added to as time goes on.
If I am elected I will:
Immediately order a full judicial inquiry into the COVID19 scare with a view to discovering who, if anyone, issued false or deceptive reports, falsified statistics and so on concerning the alleged "threat" of the alleged pandemic with legal proceedings taken against anyone engaging in fraud or deception or other crimes related to Covid9, the lockdowns, vaccines and other measures.
Immediately set up an impartial body to operate on behalf of the people that fulfills the following function:
thoroughly examines and verifies all scientific claims made by ANY person(s) or group concerning ANY alleged health product or remedy. All claims to be examined for scientific honesty, rigour and accuracy with prosecutions for any fraud or deception found. This shall included any alleged research or trials or any marketing claims made by any person or group about any product. It is observed that no truly impartial body exists to carry out this "quality control" function on behalf of the people. That omission will be remedied by my government.
Introduce laws that forbid any representation, advice or other input into government or its agencies, bodies, committees or officials to be otherwise than in writing or a matter of unedited recording. Violations of this will be tried and punished under law. The principle being upheld here is that the people have a right to know EVERYTHING that is said to and by government concerning their governance. The practice of secret meetings or phone calls in which the people cannot know what was said, planned or agreed shall end. Violations of these new laws by ANY (ANY ) person shall be subject to penalty such as fines, imprisonment and disbarment from office.
Make it mandatory that NO meeting between any person in or connected to the business of government and ANY other person, official, body, company or group may take place that is not fully recorded. Said recordings must be made accessible on demand to any person who requests them and/or simply via an open government website. Such recordings may not be altered or edited in any way.
Make it a firmly established law that ALL persons (ALL) the length and breadth of the land are subject to the law and that NO-ONE, regardless of how high their position, is exempt from those laws.
Establish the enforceable principle that all persons in government are responsible for and accountable under law for their actions. None may be exempt by reason of being in the government. Considering the capacity for a reckless or criminal person in government to do harm it is especially crucial that everyone in government, knows they will be held accountable for their actions and that none are exempt by reason of their position from just laws that forbid criminal acts.
To carry out the abolition of income tax and ALL OTHER TAXES of all kinds. (Especially the income tax as it penalises production). The replacement of all these taxes by a SINGLE PURCHASE TAX as the sole source of government revenue, in conjunction with the creation of the money supply (see below).
End the current system whereby our stock of circulating money is created by private banking cartels out of nothing (literally, a licence to print money) and then gotten into circulation by lending it to government, businesses and the private citizenry at interest. This flaw in the means of exchange itself is the hidden underlying "why" of economic malfunction that undercuts all other economic errors. The creation of money shall henceforth be by the government as a service to the people so as to keep their economy supplied with an adequate stock of its means of exchange. The money shall be created digitally or minted and its value backed by production through the action of controlling its supply so as to keep its purchasing power stable. It shall be gotten into circulation by SPENDING (never lending) it so as to fund the provision of helpful services to the people (such as the NHS, roads etc etc). The creation and spending into circulation of money as just described shall be used to offset and minimise the burden of the purchase tax (see above). It should be noted that an expansion or growth of the economy (the production of more goods and services) requires an increase in the money supply. Under the current debt-based system any increase in the money supply is accompanied by an increase in the overall debt burden. Under the new system this will not occur and a government wishing to increase its revenue can do so by helping the people increase the production of desirable goods and services.
Make it so that all government revenue shall be from the two above sources plus tolls and charges where such is feasible and does not hinder production.
Make it forbidden under law to inhibit, discourage or advocate the discontinuation of the minting of money (notes and coins) in accordance with demand for it. It shall be established as an inviolable principle that the citizenry shall always have the freedom to use notes and coins if they so wish and to the degree that they so wish and none shall have the right to remove that choice.
To fully embrace and support and uphold without equivocation human rights as delineated in the UN Declaration on Human Rights. It shall henceforth be illegal to advocate the inhibition, suspension rescinding or cancellation of those human rights.
Make it illegal for ANY (ANY) person in the land to be incarcerated without fair trial or representation before a magistrate for any reason whatsoever.
Make it illegal for any person to have forced upon them against their will or without their fully informed consent any medical or therapeutic treatment whatsoever.
To remove all arbitrary or complex laws that operate as an inhibition or impediment to honest production.
To devise a simple code of conduct for all enterprise that forbids any person or group to harm another through negligent or irresponsible practices, recklessness, carelessness, dishonest research, misrepresentations in marketing. Honest production of needed products that do not harm human health or well being or the overall health and well being of the planet is not to be impeded in any way.
To emphasise that the priority of government is not the harassment or inhibition of honest people going about their business and living their lives but that any efforts to inhibit or proscribe action shall be directed ONLY at criminal actions.
By criminal actions is meant those actions that are recognised as such (on account of the harm they do) by the honest citizenry. Such actions include murder, rape, arson, theft, causing bodily harm, child abuse, poisoning, fraud, embezzlement etc etc.
To draw up a code of conduct for the citizenry that delineates what are considered criminal actions (see above) and subject to justice as a matter of common sense.
Said code of conduct proscribing criminal actions shall apply to ALL citizens. The police shall be fully assisted in the pursuit of their primary role and purpose of keeping the environment of the honest citizenry clear of criminal actions as herein described. The police has no other mission and shall be used for no other purpose.
Every person shall be considered responsible for their own actions. Insanity shall no longer be an excuse. Government itself and the persons therein shall no longer be considered exempt from these principles. All groups, corporations, federations and the like shall be subject to these laws and this code in that should a group commit a crime (such as for example harming or poisoning or murdering people through a negligently researched and dishonestly marketed drug or vaccine) the specific persons who decided upon or ordered or were accessories to such crimes shall be held to account. No person may escape responsibility for their own actions by hiding behind "group" or "collective" responsibility.
Establish the principle that any new law passed shall be subject to a probationary period of, say, one year, where its effects and workability can be observed. After the probationary period it must then be voted upon again before being passed into permanent law. Once passed into permanent law it must be voted upon again after five years in order to remain valid and then every five years after that.
No treaty entered into by government with any entity external to the nation may be binding upon the people in perpetuity. Any such treaty must be ratified by referendum every five years.
No government may enter the nation into a war with or invasion of or attack upon any other nation for any reason whatsoever without first submitting its case to the people in the form of a referendum. Any person in government making knowingly false reports, claims or assertions relating to such a matter shall be prosecuted and liable to a term of imprisonment for war crimes.
It is recognised that on very rare occasions such as a natural disaster or attack by a foreign power, the government may need to act swiftly. The need to act swiftly may require the suspension of democratic norms until the emergency is over. My government shall draw up a clear code of practice relating to such matters with a mandatory inquiry after the emergency is over or one year, whichever is the sooner, to establish whether any violations of the code or any laws were committed by persons in government with full prosecutions for anyone found culpable.
To be continued . . .