ICT Workshop

ICT Workshop

8th and 9th August 2022

The ICT Committee organised a highly informative introductory ICT Workshop yesterday, marking the first of its kind organized by the committee. The primary focus of the workshop was to introduce junior students to the various ICT tools utilized in the department for effective learning.Rajeshvariba  commenced the session by familiarizing the participants with the concept of ICT and its crucial role in enhancing teaching and learning experiences.

During the workshop, Rajeshvariba Rana  aptly demonstrated the usage of a range of ICT tools, including the newly installed ViewBoard, Cameras, PCs, Laptops, and Glass board. Emphasizing not only on how to operate these tools effectively but also on the importance of their preservation and careful handling, she emphasized the significance of responsible usage of even the smallest items such as Mouse, ViewBoard pens, Lane port, Speakers, and Podiums. By instilling a sense of value and cost-consciousness, the participants were encouraged to handle the equipment with care, knowing that they are valuable resources.

The practical demonstration of the ViewBoard's applications further enriched the students' understanding of its potential for learning. Additionally, with the department currently equipped with three WiFi Routers—NAMO, MKBU University WiFi, and English 2—the session highlighted the pivotal role of WiFi in facilitating seamless technology-based learning experiences. Rajeshvari also provided clear instructions on how to utilize the WiFi efficiently, ensuring the students could make the most of the technological resources available.

In continuation of the workshop, all semester 1 students were escorted to the lab to get acquainted with the newly installed PCs, which were generously provided through a grant from the university. Ghanshyam Katariya then guided the students on the proper usage of the lab facilities, ensuring that they understood the process and left everything in an orderly manner after use. Subsequently, both Rajeshvariba and Ghanshyam jointly demonstrated the login procedure on the PCs, as well as how to utilize the internet for educational purposes. Following the demonstration, the students had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience by using the PCs themselves. The ICT committee and I were there to assist them to address any difficulties they encountered.

Overall, the ICT Workshop proved to be a resounding success, thanks to the excellent leadership of Rajeshvariba and Ghanshyam. Congratulations to both the ICT leaders for orchestrating such a wonderful and valuable workshop for the junior students!