
The Roadmap of the online workshop

1. Networkinga. Establishing digital communication links with learners i. Google Group (Email Group) ii. WhatsApp iii. Facebook Pageb. Orientating learners to judiciously use these communication channels i. Do not communicate among yourself, if the other is not okay with it ii. Make aware about cyber laws iii. Everything is recorded – all digital footprints remain foreverc. Sharing academic and co-curricular activities on social media i. Hashtags [ #eFDP #AAWC #Chennai ] ii. Writing brief note & captions along with photos of activities2. Digital Platforma. LMS vs CMSb. Moodle (LMS)c. Google Classroom (LMS)d. Websites (CMS)e. Mobile Apps (CMS)f. Blogs (CMS)g. Examples – Ed.Ted and Khan Academy3. Basic requirements in Digital Platforma. Sharing Reading resources (multimedia / video / audio resources) – space / cloudb. Interaction / communication between teachers and learnersc. Assignments allocation & submissiond. Online Quiz / teste. Feedbackf. Gradingg. Available on PC and Mobile devices4. eContent:a. Textual content – pdf / ppt / word doc / - static content > To read & learnb. Video resources – animation / simulated material > To watch & take notes & learnc. Online Test > To check progress, to self-evaluate [Google Quiz]d. Additional multimedia and multimodal resourcese. Thinking activities / Project based outcomef. Synchronous online teaching through web conferencing or meeting apps / sitesg. Assessment / evaluation5. eContent Management system:a. Drive - for textual contentb. YouTube – for video resourcesc. Drive – online test / quiz6. Mode of Delivery:a. Before online or f2f interactionb. During online or f2f interactionc. After online or f2f interaction7. Assessment vs Evaluationa. Online auto-generated grades – objective type multiple choice questionsb. Essay type answers / Written assignments – Manual + digital rubricc. Oral presentations – Manual + digital rubric