Virtual ICT Workshop

Virtual ICT Workshop



Smt. S B Gardi Department of English, Maharaja Krishnkumarsinhaji Bhavnagar University is widely known for its Language Learning Lab and the effective integration of technology in the English Literature classroom. Students studying at this Department learn to establish their digital identity and manage to upgrade this identity at various platforms. The digital journey of English Literature students begins with freely expressing their views in blogger and ends with an electronic briefcase (e-portfolio) consisting of all activities, blogs, presentations, assignments, videos, and individual explorations ‘beyond the book’ as an archival record.

For an effective exposure to constructive and productive use of technology and to enhance all learner’s digital skills, every year our department organizes ICT workshop (Information and Communication Technology) for newly enrolled students. The most interesting thing is that the students who have learned this in the previous year of Masters that is in Semester 1 and have been practising throughout the year had explained the use of various tools to new students. Semester 3 students got an opportunity to host as a resource person to demonstrate the utilization of various services freely available as well as the adequately operating various applications and resources. All the newly enrolled students learned and geared their ride up for the adventurous journey towards a progressively digital world. 

On this Sunday, 8th November 2020, Department of English conducted an ICT workshop virtually under the directive vision of Prof. Dr Dilip BaradSir.  ICT Committee Leaders Rohit Vyas and Asha Dhedhi managed the session very well by introducing the importance of ICT as well as the role of ICT in our English department and brought to light how Covid19 have played a significant role in changing our perspective towards technology. This workshop not only focused on the explanation of theoretical aspects of certain tools but also made sure that these tools will help the learners more and in practical terms, in their future endeavours.