Video Recordings

Video Recordings of eFDP Sessions

  1. Curtain Raiser: Introductory Session: 15 June 2020

Morning Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session)

Evening Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session)

  1. Day 1: 16 June 2020

Morning Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - A brief talk of Flipped Classroom, Blended Learning, Online Teaching & Emergency Remote Teaching. Demonstrations on basic features of Google Meet.

Evening Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - A brief talk of Flipped Classroom, Blended Learning, Online Teaching & Emergency Remote Teaching. Demonstrations on basic features of Google Meet.

  1. Day 2: 17 June 2020

Morning Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, the discussion was on collaborative features of Google Drive (Doc, Sheets and Slides). There was demonstration on Google Classroom features also.

Evening Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, the discussion was on collaborative features of Google Drive (Doc, Sheets and Slides). There was demonstration on Google Classroom features also.

  1. Day 3: 18 June 2020

Morning Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, the discussion and demonstrations were on 'Rubric'. Making manual rubric and then taking it on to the Google Classroom platform was demonstrated in the session. Several features of Google Classroom were also discussed.

Evening Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, the discussion and demonstrations were on 'Rubric'. Making manual rubric and then taking it on to the Google Classroom platform was demonstrated in the session. Several features of Google Classroom were also discussed.

  1. Day 4: 19 June 2020

Morning Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, demonstration of Autocrat for auto-generated certificate and youtube was discussed. Creating playlist, using video resources for academic purpose - ed.ted & Khan Academy were referred. The demonstration of making academic videos were also given by Keyur Dasadiya.

Evening Slot (Click to watch the recording of the session) - In this session, demonstration of Autocrat for auto-generated certificate and youtube was discussed. Creating playlist, using video resources for academic purpose - ed.ted & Khan Academy were referred. The demonstration of making academic videos were also given by Keyur Dasadiya.