Digital Portfolio Demonstration


Digital Portfolio Demonstration 2020 


All the work produced by students as part of their learning process shall not go in vain. It shall be archived for future reference. All the hard work of students shall remain with them, forever.

And the best way to do so is to motivate students to have their Digital Portfolio.

This process of learning also helps students 'develop a sense of belonging and owning the learning'. It makes them feel self-confident about their learning outcome.

Every year, we have a physical gathering for ePortfolio demonstration by students.

This year, owing to severe second wave of corona pandemic, it was not possible to have physical gatherings. The academic institutes are under lockdown.

So, we organised it in an online mode. Though it was not as great as physical mode, and yet we were able to see that the 'show must go on'.

The entire event was organised in 4 sessions.

In first session, 5 groups of senior students guided and demonstrated their portfolio to junior students in 5 virtual rooms. The juniors roamed around in all 5 virtual rooms to get acquainted with the concept of Digital Portfolio.

The second and third sessions were Live Streamed.

Session 2:

This session was about 'What is DP? And 'Why Digital Portfolio?'

Session 3:

Third session was for thorough demonstration by Students.

Fourth and final session was for students to fill in Evaluation Worksheet.

At the end of the day, it was quite satisfactory to see that most of the students performed very well.

3 May 2021