International Webinar on ELT & Technology

2nd & 3rd June 2020

(Note: To manage all selected paper presenters, we have scheduled Paper Presentation on 2nd June 2020 also. If it is not convenient to any paper presenter, s/he can deny to participate and write on / 9898272313. As both days are very hectic, we request you to follow the schedule and do not ask for any reshuffling. It will be difficult for us to reshuffle the schedule.)

Important Instructions

  1. The papers can either be 'read' or 'presented' with the help of PowerPoint.

  2. The Webinar is on Google Meet. The presenter shall acquaint with this platform.

  3. Switch off your microphone and do not press the ‘Present’ button during the webinar.

  4. If you are not listening the presentaton, please put off your camera. Do not come before camera in informal dress. Do not eat food while your camera is on. Do not allow family members or pets to move around while you are presenting or camera is on.

  5. Check camera focus when you come for presentation. Your full face shall be in the center and ceiling/fan shall not be prominently visible. Keep your mobile stable so camera does not shake while presenting or listening.

  6. All shall strictly follow a time schedule. You shall end your presentation within 8 minutes

  7. Please be ready to get connected till late evening as we have almost 90 presenters and 3 Plenary Speakers.

  8. Google Meet allows only 250 participants to join Live Webinar. If you are late in joining the webinar room, you shall watch live streaming on Facebook or YouTube. Links will be given on .

  9. You shall be alert and do not miss to enter the webinar room in the session when you are presenting a paper. Give me a call on 9898272313 if you miss to join when you are scheduled to present.

  10. You need not submit a full paper. If you plan to publish papers, you will be asked to submit it afterwards.

  11. You will not get a certificate if you fail to present paper in the webinar. You shall sort out all technical issues at your end.

  12. Laptop / PC shall be preferred over mobile phones when you want to make presentations.

  13. In case you are jointly presenting a paper, both the presenters shall come live on screen to present. The certificate will not be given if you remain absent while your partner makes a presentation.