
Live Poll, Online Test & Feedback Form

(These forms will accept responses after 9 pm on 3rd June 2020)

Do you want Participation Certificate?

Important for Participation Certificate

      1. It is mandatory to submit ‘Feedback Form’ to get participation certificate. The Feedback form will start receiving responses THREE HOURS after Plenary Session.

      2. In the feedback form, the participants shall upload ‘a screen shot’ of 'Plenary Talks'. No need to submit screen shots of paper presentation sessions. Have a look at 'Sample feedback form' for further instructions. (please do not fill this form - this is sample).
      3. You will NOT get certificate if you do NOT submit feedback form with apt screen shots. You shall sort out all technical issues at your end. If you missed live sessions, you can watch recorded videos on and take screen shots.

      4. Online Test: You will also have to appear in 'online test' based on the content of the Plenary Speakers. It is mandatory to pass with 80% to qualify for 'Participation Certificate'. It is also mandatory to participate in live activities / polls, if conducted by Plenary Speakers. The test will open three hours after the Plenary Session. Click here for online test - - [The passing is reduced to 60% i.e. 18 marks out of 30]

      5. Do not forget to 'Comment' while attending Live Sessions. The Live Comments are the best for registering attendance in webinars.

      6. All paper presenters will get certificate of 'Paper Presentation' so they need not follow these instructions. This is for those who want ‘Only-Participation Certificate’. If paper presenters will submit feedback with screenshots, they will get 'Participation Certificate' also.

      7. Last date to submit Feedback: 5th June 2020 - 6 pm. (On demand of many participants, the online test and feedback forms are opened for 24 hours - till 9 pm 7th June 2020.)