Is teaching live online the new normal?

Schools and universities have been challenged from one day to the next to start teaching online. For some this has been possible by using video conferencing tools and we hear of favorable adoptions of MS Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and other freely available synchronous tools. For others privacy concerns, institutional restraints and limited technical skillsets have led to teachers having to send homework assignments via email and it has been left up to distressed parents to deal with it. In this talk, Philp outlines how some European countries have responded to these challenges and shows a best practice example by a university in Germany which has developed a pedagogical concept for online teaching.


Heike Philp is CEO of let’s talk online sprl, based in Brussels, Belgium, immersive language education specialist and webinerd. Philp co-initiated four European funded projects to develop accredited and certified teacher training courses for language teaching and learning in real-time at a distance. These EU Projects are LANCELOT, AVALON, CAMELOT and GUINEVERE. Philp runs her own web conferences: Virtual Round Table Web Conference on Language Learning Technologies, DaFWEBKON for teachers of German and vLanguages Annual Symposium. She co-owns EduNation islands in Second Life, regions in OpenSim and servers in Minecraft.

Presentation: Remote teaching and learning of English language in higher education contexts: Experiences and research from a country where distance learning is a norm, not a calamity.

Ania is one of the key senior staff in the International Graduate Centre of Education, College of Education, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia. Ania teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses, focusing on language and literacy education, and aspects concerning general and higher education pedagogy. Ania’s responsibilities range from coordinating the Master of Education Global Learning course, through to the development of the Higher Degree Research supervision culture, building Higher Degree Research students’ capacity, as well as developing international links with South-East Asian countries, especially Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia. Ania is also a Senior Adviser to the Minister of Education, Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, in Cambodia. Ania is an experienced doctoral students’ supervisor. One of her own most recent CALL research includes a “Reading for Emotion” model that she developed to support students’ language and literacy skills. Her recent book, Challenges in Global Learning: International contexts and cross disciplinary perspectives, concerns issues of policy, philosophy and technology as the pillars informing pedagogic developments in Australia and South-East Asia.

Track presentation topic & abstract

He lives in Penang, Malaysia, and has produced over 465 podcast episodes since 2010 at His over 150 publications, many available in full text at, deal with students using computers to learn languages, and teachers learning to teach using technology by engaging in communities of practice and in participatory cultures. He facilitates online teacher professional development through numerous communities of practice. He has helped coordinate TESOL/CALL-IS Electronic Village Online (EVO) since 2003,, and has co-moderated EVO Minecraft MOOC for the past 6 years, He was recently awarded the 2019 CALL Research Conference Lifetime Achievement Award.