Treating Yeast

Thanks to Lymetoo, volunteer moderator and long time member at for sharing this protocol designed by naturopath Gary Brewer.

"Successful control and elminiation of a Candida Albicans overgrowth requires a multifaceted program as described below. Failure to follow ALL the steps simultaneously will result in slow progress and will lengthen healing time significantly. The program should be tailored to the individual and must balance the need to eliminate the Candida and deprive it of its food source while insuring proper nutrition for the individual."

*PLEASE NOTE: Everyone may respond differently to various treatment suggestions. Please proceed slowly and work with a health care professional for all of your health concerns.

Five Steps to Candida Elimination:

1. You must starve it into submission by eliminating its food source.

2. You must kill it with anti-fungal herbs and supplements. [e.g....garlic, onion, caprylic acid, Pau D'Arco capsules or tea, clove, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, tea tree oil, Echinacea, Goldenseal, black walnut, MSM, barberry root, uva ursi, neem leaf, biotin]

3. You must reestablish the proper balance and quantity of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract. [...multi-strain lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus capsules with FOS should be taken between meals to maximize repopulation of the digestive tract by beneficial bacteria.]

4. You must reestablish proper levels of all B vitamins (yeast free) and utilize other immune enhancing supplements to boost immune system function. [e.g ... B complex vitamins (yeast free), biotin, beta 1-3 glucan, colostrum, maitake mushroom, vitamins A, C, E, zinc and selenium]

5. You must cleanse and heal the digestive tract to promote proper elimination of toxins and Candida and assimilation of nutrients. [e.g...chlorophyll, MSM, omega 3 fatty acids found in flax seed and salmon oils, GLA found in borage, evening primrose and black currant oils. Pantothenic acid, digestive enzymes between meals]

Foods safe to eat:

breads .. low carb breads by Atkins, low carb and Ezekiel breads by Food for Life, low carb tortillas, brown rice bread, low carb pasta and noodles

vegetables of color .. green, yellow, red, purple, etc... like squash, broccoli, cabbage, kale, bok choy, sweet potatoes, celery, spinach, romaine lettuce, collard greens, broccoli slaw, brown rice, basmati rice, millet

olive oil, lemon, organic apple cider vinegar, garlic, onion, limit to 1 oz sugar-free dressing daily

eggs, plain yogurt [NO sugar or fruit added], small amounts of butter, UNsweetened soy milk, Keto milk, kefir

chicken, fish, and turkey, baked or broiled, not fried

Snacks....seeds and nuts...pumpkin seeds, celery with almond butter, almonds, walnuts, unsweetened soy butter, roasted soy nuts

Fruits...Granny Smith apples, lemons, limes....fresh or frozen only

Beverages....WATER, herbal teas like Pau D'Arco, Echinacea, and aloe vera


Sugars: white sugar, honey, aspartame, equal, brown sugar, corn syrup, molasses, most fruits, canned fruits and fruit juices, syrups, soft drinks, cakes, cookies, chocolate

White flour breads and products: hot dog buns, hamburger buns, bread sticks, crackers, whole wheat breads, prepared foods with bread crumb coating, noodles, pasta

white veggies: potatoes, white rice, grits, also corn and all canned vegetables

alcohol and fermented foods, including soy sauce and cider, ginger ale, beer, wine, vinegar, sauerkraut, pickles, relishes, most dressings

dairy products....milk, cheese, ice cream, flavored yogurt

red meats, pork, bacon, sandwich meats, salami, bologna, hot dogs, sausage, etc

peanuts, peanut butter, pistachios

all other fresh and canned fruits and fruit juices not on the "safe" list

Beverages: colas, sodas, fruit juices, pop, sugared drinks, coffee, or caffeinated teas and drinks, fruit punch, etc


Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes