Heal Your Gut Summit Notes

Program 1- 5 Steps To Healing Leaky Gut- Josh Axe

Consume better foods

Use supplements

Change lifestyle

Eat right for gut type

Remove triggers


No sugar

No milk- use goats milk kefir- over 20 chemicals in milk

Gluten or foods not properly prepared- hard to digest grains- causes inflammation

Eat like infants one food at a time- peas, sweet potatoes, etc.

GMO- stay away- sugar beets are GMO

Stay away from all artificial sweeteners

# 1 Med drug that is worst- causes leaky gut- is antibiotics- called the “A-Bomb” for gut

Birth control causes yeast and fungal overgrowth

If liver isn’t able to break down fat with bile- more strain on other organs like small intestines and gall bladder

“Antibiotics are killing us”.

Not for the “rest of your life” protocol for healing gut

Warning signs for leaky gut

Not always digestive symptoms

Bloating and gas or fullness

Food sensitivities or allergies


Adrenal fatigue

Joint pain arthritis

Skin issues


Type one diabetes


Sinus problems

Good food

Bone broth- ligaments tendons bones of beef, chicken

Need colagen and amino acids found in it

Cellulite buildup needed

1-3 days just drink bone broth

And/or chicken veggie soup

Raw cultured dairy- goat milk kefir or yogurt based kefir- one serving a day

Fermented foods & juices- a few fork or spoon full a day (start with one spoon a day)

Coconut kefir


Steamed veggies- in crockpot or steamer

NOT raw veggies- unless liver toxins problems

But those with bowel inflammation stay away from raw veggies

After 90 days you can add in spinach, etc.

Health fats- coconut oil- good for candy

One serving max a day of fruit- sparse if yeast

Wild caught salmon, mackerel- big in Omega 3 fats

1. Need probiotic 1-2 times a day

Lacto planterium


Soil based

2. L- Glutamine 5 grams a day

3. Digestive enzymes- breaks down food particles

4. Frankincense essential oil

5. Vitamin D

6. Fish oil

7. Aloe Vera

8. Ginger

Emotional stress causes leaky gut too

Treat stress- Type A person is automatic stress

Workaholic is stressful- severe form

Financial problems




Personal growth and scheduling in relaxation during week

Cup of epsom salt and camomile soak in tub

Chinese medicine

Emotions you experience- more organ based illness

Fear damages adrenal glands, thyroid & kidneys

Blueberries, kale good

Frustration- anger- liver and gall bladder won’t break down fats

Nourish milk thistle, artichokes, beets

IBS- immune gut type- grief and depression- financial - affects colon and lung- white food- onions, cauliflower, etc.

Acid reflux- heart issues- eat lots of bitter foods- such as chard, sauerkraut

Candida gut type- spleen, pancreis- eat corn- p’au d arco tea- best for candida

PROGRAM 2- Secrets to Overcome Candida and Yeast- Donna Gates

Dr. Josh Axe- Interviewing Donna Gates

She introduced Stevia to USA. Helped with coconut kefir in our diets.

Yeast grows tentacles to intestinal lining and attach, then become systemic. Can be anywhere in body.

Sinus infection can be fungus.

Nystatin considered the safest drug. Don’t always work. Don’t last for getting rid of it totally. Monistat the same situation. Class of anti-fungal drugs not good.

Great Plains, Genova tests can test for yeast.

BC pills can be problem. “Absolutely”. Yeast feed off estrogen.

Antibiotics wipe out good bacteria in gut.

Autism babies she’s seen all born with yeast.

79 toxins released by yeast. Overwhelms immune system.

Yeast eats nutrients we need. Yeast is making oxalates. Plants have lots of oxalates. Oxalates is a protection for plants from insects.

Oxabaxter ?? (spelling) is in our body, but antibiotics kill them.

Some people have issues, born with it- forms kidney stones. Goes everywhere in body.

Get rid of oxalates, often causes fibromyalgia symptoms.

Too many oxalates can make someone go to bathroom a lot of times a day (pee).

Soy causes calcification in stomach- stalagtites.

Green tea high in oxalates.

Need to be- Sugar free, casin free, gluten free via diet.

B-6 and lysine good to take.

Vitamin C keep under 2,000 a day. IV drips are 50,000 Vit C- don’t need it.

Condroitin sulfate- good to take. Mag and calcium good.

Stay away from oxalates. Black pepper, rheubarb, dark chocolate, spinach, soy, peanuts, green teas.

Need raw food diet, kefir, fermented veggies

Yeast killers- Pau d arco tea good- Burburine- Oil of Oregano

Protein, plant foods, good

A lot of diversity- like in fermented veggies

Lacto bacillis Plantarium- produces folate, helps methalation also, degrades histamine (builds up in gut)

We produce methane in gut- byproduct arcaia is made, and takes our hydrogen and makes methane- causes gas, bloating and constipation.

Wild yam- rare- in Japan- shirataki is made from it. Clears toxins from gut. Few weeks reduces bloating, gas, and constipation.

Go to www.bodyecology.com to sign up for newsletter.

Can find products such as coconut kefir, etc. on there

Program 3- Public Health Perspective on Gut Health & Essential Oils- Dr. Eric Zielinski


Feeding low-dose antibiotics to animals makes problems worse- causing resistance.

Senate Committee and FDA passed bill to protect billion dollar business making problems worse

Long term infant outcomes- 48% increase in C-Sections in USA- higher in other countries (China 60%)

Autoimmune diseases have increased, etc. all connected to gut

Overly clean environment, especially in early childhood, contributes to development of SEVERE childhood diseases.

Our diets too clean.

Putting food in fridge cripples us- need more fermented food rather than fridge foods.

Most cells that make up our body are bacteria. 10 bacteria vs. 1 otherwise.

10,000 microbial species are what we are made of.

Researchers found good bacteria vital for life. Bacterial germs can substitute for each other. Not necessary to replace all.

Essential oils can help replace flora. Help solve the problems in animals.

More recently essentially oils keep pigs healthy- put in feed. (Studies)

Working together probiotics and essential oils.

Mint oils work well with probiotics. If dosage of oil is LOW- must be VERY low- it can kill bad stuff.

Together they oils and probiotics work well together. Synergic.

Eat dirt to keep gut eco-system. Soil based organisms. A natural vaccination.

Since all extinctive behaviors have a purpose- organisms coming from "putting everything in their mouth" - children- it is good.

Autoimmune diseases rises and cleanliness rises.

30 strains - lactobacillus, bifado, etc. known to help. Helps cure disease naturally. Essential oils help improve the synergy.

Essential oils antimicrobial. Kills bad bacteria. Heal acute and chronic infections.

DILUTED, diluted.

Applemint showed to help.

Thyme oil good and yarrow herb were most positive - beneficial- in chickens.

IBS- alteration of microbe in gut. Enteric coated peppermint very good.

6 drops 3 x day peppermint oil IN enteric coated capsules.

Lemon balm, coriander both good for IBS.

Geramium oil, Thymol dose VERY low dose. Good too.

Oils can be used by themselves and with other meds.

Chemo affects body badly, of course.

Not an all or nothing thing. Traditional and alternative - whatever floats YOUR boat.

Thyme and cinnamon oil reduces inflammation.

Fermented milk products.

When fermenting the food, don't use oils. Put in oils, like cinnamon, after, not in the process of making it.

Thyme and Rose at VERY low doses at killing pathogens. Start with ONE drop ONLY, see how body responds. Go slow. Best doctor in world is YOUR body.

GREAT oil- cardamom oil. Can be remedy for various conditions, increases bile production. Anti-Spasmodic in animals- produces pain relief.

MVP- peppermint for most conditions. Contains compounds to help tummy muscles relax.

1 drop of peppermint mixed in several drops of organic coconut oil rubbed on tummy helps.

Aromatic good too. Diffuse peppermint.

Clove is good for intestinal lining. Treats yeast.

Clove oil drop in wild honey.

Tea-tree oil and oregano good- natures antibiotics.

Tarragon- stimulates intestines and increases juices (biles and acids) in mouth and stomach to increase appetite. Helps everything "move". Use instead of laxative.

Make your own- Digestive oil blend- peppermint, anise, tarragon, ginger, fennel, caraway, coriander. Use orange, lemon if wanted, add to coconut oil and rub on tummy.

Immune blend- clove, orange, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus.

Frankincense oil good.

Free newsletter.

Program 4- Healing the Gut with Herbal Remedies & Surprising Foods- Sayer Ji

Website for presenter- http://www.greenmedinfo.com

DNA of gut.

Why epidemic of gut issues? 30 ft tube, about 3-4 pounds. Houses micro-organisms, bacteria, etc. We are exposed to environmental everything thru gut.

90 strains of bacteria able to breakdown gluten.

B vitamins are produced by bacteria in gut.

chit chat chit chat- genes and micro-biomes history, etc.

Antibiotic resistance. Use too much. Created monsters. blah blah blah...

Refers to Director of CDC- oh well.

GI Health- damaging intentional lining- NSAID drugs like ibuprofen. Baby aspirin. "automimmune, blah, blah, blah."

Alcohol. Gluten.

Gluten free contains triggers for damage. People don't go far enough. Going to ancestral diet is needed. Any packaged gluten free product can produce problems.

IBS- peppermint is best. Oil capsules, enteric coated.

Helpful using probiotics. Silymarin - milk thistle- artichoke all good. Artichoke has "pre-biotics" which is good.

Cultured food is best. Trillions of living cultures. Psyllium good but causes constipation- use little.

Curcumin good. Whole plant root etc. Use powder.

Splenda- worst chemicals. Causes IBS- ??

GMO's- Glyphosate- blah blah blah... long term harm, but none have been studied. Contributes to mineral depletion.

Oats- can be labeled non-GMO, but can have problems too- contamination. Certification issues.

Chrons and Ulcerative Colitis- 30 substances of efficacy on his website

Cur-cumin good, fish oil (high quality) and fatty fish good. Resveratrol. Garlic, manuka honey- good.

Causes- BC pills, statin drugs, iron supplements, sucralose, nightshades.

Leaky Gut- Gliadin, cupic sulfate (inorganic copper like in vitamins), NSAIDs, all cause it.

Mono diet can be tried- Heal leaky gut- people used banana diet in years ago, so sometimes eat a banana. Oats good. Not every one does well, but helps many

Curcumin good. ECGC good. Catechin good. Quercetin good. Cultured food good.

Program 5- How to Overcome Autoimmune Disease by Healing the Digestive Tract- Amy Myers, MD

Practices Functional Medicine- Was diagnosed with Grave's Disease- Liver Damage- Thyroid Problems- Trained in Emergency Medicine- Wrote a book, The Autoimmune Solution.

Helps people with Leaky Gut. Stool testing, other work-ups, starts there with chronically ill patients.

Two levels of programs- get out toxins first. Then if still problems works more on nutrition. Autoimmunity patients- remove grains, nuts, etc.

Yak, yak, yak about making food in their kitchen and eating it.

Misconceptions about thyroid health- what she's done for herself blah blah blah. New book coming out, blah, blah blah.

Anyone new to this need to know TSH is only test done by most doctors. T3 opinions.

Reference range for TSH is much too broad. Need reverse T3 and regular T3.

Gluten free diet for thyroid issues. Autoimmune blah blah blah.

Need zinc, selenium for some. Will talk about iodine in her book.

Iodine is being replaced by other elements in thyroid. Sometimes people worse on iodine, very few.

Heavy metals can cause problems.

What supplements? She recommends lots of supplements from the "git-go". Then later get off them.

MTHFR- can't use folic acid and B-vitamins.

Change diet and focus on gut. Focus.

Recommends good multi- vitamin, fish oil, probiotics and Vitamin D. Digestive enzymes (HCL).

Autoimmune supplements- meriva and glutathione.

The Meyers Way- not a diet and more of a life style. Stress is not good. She is very busy. She had blah blah blah. Moved to bigger office, ordered air filter, sauna, massage, does it all. Orange lightbulbs in her home.

Chit chat. She does- Cryotherapy. Floating whatever.

Small bowel overgrowth. Even parasites, yeast, viruses, etc. living there. get out of balance. Histamine intolerance. Eating high carb meals can cause bloating.

In beginning get off fermented food.

Microclear- on her website to buy. Mixed herbs. She recommends.

Diet 30 days, no fermented foods. Add back in fermented foods later. Some stuff works for some, others not.

No right answers. Multiple ways to get to end results. Listen to your own body.

How do satisfy sweet tooth. Organic dark chocolate.

Desserts in back of her book. Banana cookies. She never does gluten or dairy. Doesn't do soy often, or corn.

Figure out your "no foods".

Get her book it is like seeing her without seeing her.

Go gluten free- a must IN HER OPINION.

Book, book, blah blah blah.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes
