Yeast Infections

Yeast infections (also known as candidiasis) are common infections caused by Candida albicans yeast, which is a type of fungus. Yeast infections usually show up in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth, and moist areas of skin.

A yeast infection in the vagina is known as vulvovaginal candidiasis. Vaginal yeast infections are common among women and about 75% of all females will have one at some point.

Vaginal yeast infections can cause:

  • itching and irritation in the vagina
  • redness, swelling, or itching
  • a thick, white discharge that can look like cottage cheese and is usually odorless, although it might smell like bread or yeast
  • pain or burning when urinating (peeing) or during sex

If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor or gynecologist. It's easy to confuse the symptoms of a yeast infection with those of some STDs and other vaginal infections. Your doctor can give you the right diagnosis so that you can be treated appropriately.

If you have a vaginal yeast infection, your doctor can prescribe treatment to clear up the symptoms in a couple of days and cure the infection within a week. Source

Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the Candida fungus, also known as yeast. Treatment information here.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes