Partial List of Herx Symptoms

You may have one or more of these symptoms. Symptoms you've already experienced may intensify. The most common herxing symptoms include (in no special order):




swollen glands

body aches



constipation or diarrhea

increased joint or muscle pain

elevated heart rate

chills, cold extremities

feeling of trembling internally

itching, scratching, nail biting

burning feeling in eyes

unusual perspiration (sometimes stinky)

fever (usually low grade)

hypotension (low blood pressure)

itching, hives and rash (sometimes assumed to be an allergic reaction)

Don't make it worse! Symptom intensifiers include: Two common sources: decreasing the blood flow, which allows the toxins to accumulate, or, increasing the die off of parasites.


anxiety and worry

hormonal imbalances

enzymes, bromelain, pancreatin, etc.

clotting agents, heavy foods

excessive exercise, tiredness

fatigue, exhaustion

cold temperatures

air pollution





chronic illnesses

high doses of vitamins

some forms of chelation treatments

not enough rest


Symptom Reduction- Two common strategies: improving the blood flow to clear the toxins faster (see vascular constriction), or, neutralizing the toxins (or both).

lemon juice (organic), or 1/2 lemon rind


hot baths / hot tub

Alka-Seltzer GOLD (only GOLD, not regular Alka-Seltzer)


relaxation techniques

enemas, colemas, colonics

increase in blood thinning supplements

lemon/olive oil liver/gall bladder cleanse

flavanoids (widens blood vessels)

aerobic oxygen supplementation

lymphatic massage

bentonite clay

charcoal tablets

diatomaceous earth

pain medication

muscle relaxers

steam bath or dry sauna

infrared Hot House treatment

a cleansing bath: add 1 cup salt, 1 cup soda, 1 cup epsom salts, 1 cup aloe vera, to a hot bath, remain in and keep hot for about 1-1/2 hours all the while consuming about 2 quarts of warm water.

Source- Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction or Lucio's Phenomena (additional tips added to original list) Also: A healing crisis or "die-off"

Important: Always ensure your health by regularly visiting your doctor. Never assume that if you have any of the above symptoms that you are in a healing crisis. You may not be. You may have an unrelated medical problem.

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes