
Treatment Recommendations

Sorry to say, there is no successful "one size fits all" protocol when it comes to treating children or adults with acute or chronic Lyme and tick borne diseases.

To date, the best recommendations come from a document prepared by Dr. Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr. which can be found here.

I highly recommend reading it all the way through and to also spend time educating yourself as much as possible about Lyme and tick borne diseases.

If you would like to find an experienced health care professional who works with children or adults with tick borne diseases there is a list of some to choose from on

Recommendations For Diagnosing and Treating

Lyme & Tick Borne Diseases


Treatment Guidelines (Full Set)

Lyme & Tick Borne Diseases


Evidence assessments and guideline

recommendations in Lyme disease:

The clinical management of known tick bites,

erythema migrans rashes and persistent disease


List of Tick Borne Diseases

Last Updated- April 2019

Lucy Barnes