How to Think



SCAMPER is a checklist of idea‐spurring questions. Some of the questions were first suggested by Alex Osborn, a pioneer teacher of creativity. They were later arranged by Bob Eberle into this mnemonic.

Here is a protocol used to help students organize questions to their driving question/problem they want to solve.

This is the Blooming Questions Protocol - there is a 'tuning' protocol to take questioning to a deeper level.

The Focus/Framing Question protocol helps students to determine if their research question is really focused on the root of the dilemma that they are trying to solve.

This is the guide to using 7 of the Student Work/ problem solving protocols. All protocols can be found on the School Reform Institute Website.

Pocket Guide to Probing Questions - at the end of this document are about 15 to 20 question stems that students can ask each other regarding their research and driving/inquiry question.