Sprint 2 Day 6

Today is a busy day to wrap up the first student driven sprint, rework our prototypes, and complete our first retrospect.

Moving along the to final sprint day

Agenda of work


4 L Protocol

For our first official student led retrospect we will use the 4 L protocol.

I have made a Google Jamboard template for you to use if you wish to use. Simply make a copy of this one for your own use.

The link below will provide you all the information you. need about this protocol and equip you with plenty of insight to use to your liking.

We start with private reasoning time and each student add their ideas to their own Jambaord to ensure all voices are heard.

We place these prompts on the overhead to help guide them while they are thinking and processing

Next, we will have them move into their groups to share their ideas between each other and create a group Jamboard together.

Finally, we will end by having a whole class share out and discuss the key insights moving forward so we can learn from one another.