Think Different

Follow Up Launch Research

Before we begin the next phase of our bootcamp process we need to ensure we follow up with our expert Steven Smith. A key element of bringing in any expert into the learning space is not just to have a one and done, but to use as fuel to ignite new thoughts, ideas, and learning.

We will begin by taking time in day 2 of bootcamp to capture ideas shared during his presentation as well as explore the resources gathered based on his suggestions prior to the first learning lab.

There is a sample graphic organizer and collected resources found here if you wish to use.

Research Template

As we dove into the initial research aspect of gaining some insights into survival using the graphic organizer above we decided to pivot the structure. We moved to the students social studies notebooks and had them create a two page spread for each of the RIDGE elements as see to the right and in the slides linked above. This provides more space for writing and to help organize their information more clear as we will continue to come back and visit this information, add more, and build connections through the learning process.

Research starts today…we build understanding around Radiation, Isolation, Distance, Gravity, & Environment and analyze how these elements impact the three different habitats…Moon, Mars, and in transit….

Think Different

Access to slides

We developed a LEGO experience designed to help students learn how to think differently than "normal" modes of problem solving and operating in school. Challenges have been developed to give students a hands-on opportunity to see and experience new pathways within existing creative constraints. More importantly, we began to lay the foundation for giving scholars permission to tap into the genius that each scholar has inside them. Finally, there is a small teamwork task that places a focus on two key areas that must be covered when doing high quality PBL with an authentic audience: teamwork and communication.

These are two essential building blocks among many others that we must teach students. We often discuss the importance of group work and basically just put them in groups and say “work it out” or "do research". What does that even mean? Do we even know what this means as professionals? We want to avoid this type of mindset in this project because it would lead to frustration, loss of wonder and inquiry, and it would not ignite the passion of learning. To do this we have developed an interactive experience for them to understand how important these concepts are when working as a group.

We want to develop an experience that is fun, fast, and furious. We know we had to grab their attention early on in this work. We need to build anticipation and excitement for what is to come next. We know we have to keep them moving. We know we have to keep them discussing and working together to build these skills out. This activity is part of the launch to the work that continues after learning from NASA.

We know that in order for any of this to work the learning has to stick. Learning sticks when it connects to emotions, the senses, and we can do this through hands on learning. Anytime you have an intro activity to grab the interest of a child it needs to make a splash and create some energy.

You can access the entire slidedeck so you can follow the work, but we began the event with setting the stage about the importance of this work and understanding the people that we work with. The emphasis over and over again is that this work is inside all of them. They all have their own unique superpowers(Captain Planet reference) and when we combine forces we can even more amazing together(Captain Planet).

**Please note that I have kept all activities in the slides that I normally do in a 2-3 hour workshop, but we only used a handful of them in our 45 minutes together.**

Once we discussed the importance of working together and setting up expectations and norms we had them open up their bags of LEGO. I provided each student a bag of 20 pieces.

Think Differently! Shifting mindsets takes time-we know we have to be vulnerable, expect failure, learn-unlearn-relearn, and support each other…we are changing perspectives about ourselves and the world around us…

Today we work through a series of challenges while discovering the difference between COMMUNICATION & ENGAGEMENT…communication flows one way - where as engagement becomes a X pollination of ideas #mindset #SEL #universalconstructs

LEGO Resources

Powerful Learning In Making a LEGO Duck

Purposeful Play With LEGO Presentation