Learning Lab 1 Three Habitats

Here we go!

Excited to talk to our NASA expert ⁦Steven Smith⁩…exploring survivability within different habitats…Moon, Mars, and in Transit. Gathering more info. as we narrow down a problem we will try to solve

Sample Graphic Organizer For Research

Feel free to use this or any other method you have to help students organize some thoughts, ideas, and questions before our Learning Lab 1: 3 Habitats

Learning Lab Research

Sprint 1 Day 1

Prior to connecting with Steven we wanted to help students mentally transition to a focus on the topic at hand which is to help them identify an area of interest to them personally and begin to formulate ideas.

Many ideas at this point are still foggy as we continually learn new information that sparks new wonderings and at the same time creates a friction where we realize we don't quite understand how the universe works.

This activity is to find out what each student is thinking about no matter the accuracy of the question. While Steven spoke and interacted with the students we sorted the ideas which you can access below. The activity itself is in the slides linked above.

Opportunity Mapping

See all the ideas here

Three Habitats With Steven Smith

This session was a follow up to the launch where students would learn more about the moon, mars, and in transit habitats. The goal of this session is to provide more context for the learning, spark new ideas to already ideas in existence, and to further move students along to identify a problem they want to solve.

Steven Smith had so much good stuff for us today about the habitats we’re exploring - moon, Mars, in transit! Now to narrow down our ideas, topics, and questions. Where will the research take us?

Authentic learning is not just for students, but for the educators as well. We don't lose sight of the deep levels of learning we want to reach nor the standards required of us. However, we are on this learning journey right along with the students. We are learning together and continuing to be in the moment of lifelong learners in unison.

This recent call with Steven Smith as part of an authentic project based learning experience was a perfect example where we listened to his words AND worked to seek understanding of our students in that:

  • They have a lot of curiosities even if they are not willing to share......yet

  • They need some basic foundation understanding of the world and space(which is awesome)

  • Many don't trust themselves enough yet internally to give permission to wonder and question without constraints within the education system(we all know we all wonder naturally as humans)

As the call ended we as educators had to pivot on the spot. We realized processing time was needed for everyone. So that is what we did. We paused, processed as a class, processed as professionals in the learning space and then gave them individual think time to draft questions they had around one of the topics of interest to them(food, water, energy, transportation, communication, public health). After they drafted questions they developed we moved them into topic groups to discuss their questions and ideas with the goal of enhancing their individual ideas with others.

This was much needed. They needed time to process, to talk through concepts and ideas, and to simply have a minute to think through their new learning. We needed to slow down and provide space instead of rushing to the next part of the lesson because that was what we had planned. We had understand the room and discard what was planned to meet the needs of the learning moment rather than force something in which they were not ready.

As we moved into the next session of learning we now have them grounded in questions worthy of their time (they will modify and be enhanced with new learning) as we dive into research to really gain a better understanding of the bigger picture in front of them.

However, it was just as vital for us as educators to model how to pause, think out loud, and make changes real time, in the moment, with students watching so that they can witness and feel that they have permission to do the same as new learning comes into our thinking.

Instructional moves:

*It's important to equip students to be accountable for the thinking and learning PROCESS. Tools used include: sketchnoting, group conversations, intentional listening expectations and questions. Meeting with an expert, Steven Smith, is so valuable but students need to learn the process of HOW to work with an expert. It is more than just a 'sit/get'. As instructors, we have to help give them cognitive tools + opportunites to INTERACT with the learning AND be responsible for what they have just learned and what they yet need to learn.

Taking time to process new information & add to our notes…Ss begin to drill down and focus on INTEREST areas…thinking about specific problems that are AUTHENTIC & need to be solved…How will we make VALUABLE CONTRIBUTIONS & design what has not yet been seen?