Sprint 6

Overall Goal: Exhibition Prepartion

November 28th - December 2nd

Day 1

Writing Our Learning

Today we announced that indeed Steven Smith is coming after all so we need to dial in and work. This week is a huge week of writing, articulating ideas, reflecting, and crafting our messages, learning, and solutions clearly.

And we must continue to put final touches on all of our prototypes!

Day 2

Revising Our Story

We continue to write, revise, and ensure that we articulate and understand the power of our message. Our exhibition is not just about our solution and how the prototype works, but just as valuable is the learning journey itself. This is a lot of tough thinking to process and put into words so space must be provided to look within ourselves to understand the change we have gone through as humans.

Day 3

Less Foggy

Today is finalizing all the work and beginning to create our presentation spaces for exhibition. Not only do we need words, but we need visuals and a place that draws people to us to want to learn more about what we have uncovered in our learning in this project.

Day 4

Creating Exhibition Space


We are ready to wow the world with our learning journey, our growth in ourselves and others, and exploring problems that need solutions.

Today is our virtual exhibition to prepare for our face to face exhibition Monday. Could not feel more any prouder of these students and teachers who have crushed all comfort zone boundaries.

Day 5

6th Grade Survival Projects Panel Planning 2022

Virtual Exhibition

Everything you need can be found here!