Sprint 2 Day 5

Leslie Smith

Leslie Smith is a native of Vicksburg, MS. She began her career in 2009 at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) as a co-op student working in the Planning and Operations Branch. Leslie received her Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Tuskegee University in 2013. She was hired full time at MSFC shortly after graduation in the Propulsion Detailed Design Branch as a Mechanical Design Engineer. While working in Propulsion, she developed an interest in Systems Engineering since she was interested in seeing the overall, big picture of how everything interfaces together. Her first Systems Engineering assignment were the technical performance measures (TPMs) for Space Launch System (SLS) vehicles and missions. She then participated in the Marshall Systems Engineering Leadership Development Program and graduated in 2018 and is currently enrolled in Level II of the Program. Afterwards, Leslie accepted a position in the System Definition and Integration Branch where she was responsible for Ground Interface Control Documents (ICDs) for the SLS vehicles. Currently, Leslie works in the Human Landing System (HLS) Program Office where she serves as the Risk Reduction Integration Lead and Technical Manager for one of five HLS Providers for the Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships (NextSTEP-2). Leslie assists in managing day to day tasks such as HLS concepts, risk-reduction activities, requirements feedback and advancing the maturity of key technologies with the ultimate goal of helping NASA land the next generation on the Moon and establishing a long-term presence there. Leslie was honored to be included in the inaugural 35 under 35 of the International Institute of Space Commerce and NASA’s Equal Opportunity Employment Medal. Her hobbies include swimming, basketball, reading, volunteering with the community (mostly being a STEM advocate).

Resources To Explore Before Our Expert Session

Human Landing System


Leslie is currently working on the Sustainable Human Landing System (HLS) Studies and Risk Reduction. More information can be found at: https://www.nasa.gov/nextstep/humanlander3

Here’s the press release: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-selects-five-us-companies-to-mature-artemis-lander-concepts

The next article, Source Selection Statement explains why five of the seven companies who proposed for the Appendix N contract were awarded and how NASA evaluated them. Source Selection Statement Appendix N.pdf (nasa.gov) Please let me know if you have any trouble opening any of the links.

Recording of Session