Sprint 2 Day 3

Project Check In Markers

Student Created Workspaces

Student created workspaces. Project management board as students utilize #scrum. Frame your design outline from @IDEOorg #humancentereddesign along with #sketches and #prototypes mixed with peer feedback to iterate and refine

This is real learning! #pbl @k12lab

Learning that is often unseen and not understood unless experienced. Ss were tasked with creating quality criteria of a prototype to provide feedback.

Deep thinking, lots of universal constructs organically woven throughout. Just read the open idea and argue value of this work

Exploring prototype criteria…we’re learning to use a prototype as an experience to understand the unknown…a process that continues to push on our curiosities & challenges us with even more questions #pbl #agile

The building begins…thinking about a prototype as a “tool for moving forward solutions you have yet to imagine”